NEW IN STORYLINE 360: Slide Numbers

May 07, 2019

We’re excited to share a powerful new feature in Storyline 360: slide numbers.

Now you can add slide numbers to your Storyline 360 project to show learners their progress through a course. Storyline 360 will automatically calculate how far learners have left in your course. And you can quickly exclude slides if you don’t want them counted toward the total.

Here’s how slide numbers work:


112 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Soren,

The slide numbers will display on the slides themselves, and not within the player. If you were to use the option of Slide reference in Menu, that would match what you're seeing in the player menu to what is shown on the slide. If you'd like to see an option to showcase variables in the player, I'd love to have you log a feature request.

 Here's a bit more about how we work to prioritize feature requests.

Soren J Birch

Hm, you mean the numbers in the menu when you click? Already got that. But would love a globally visible course progress indicator othet than the massive side bar.

Soren B
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Yuyen Chang

I just discovered this new feature after spending 1 week adding a customized progress bar. This is great but when I go back to the previous slide, it is not subtracting the slide number for me. Do I still need to manually add triggers in each slide to do the subtraction? If so, could anyone tell me if there is a quick and easy way to add the same set of triggers to all the slides in the same scene or entire course? If there is a tutorial with more detailed instructions/explanations, I will also appreciate it if someone can point me to that page. Thank you!

Michael Ambech

Thanks Phil. Hovering doesn't do anything, but resetting the menu solved the issue. So - slides that are not in the menu causes an error? Sometimes I remove certain slides from the menu, as i don't want it show everything, but I would still like the user to be able to see his/her progress. Also - the slide number makes it easier for user to report errors - although my courses are always perfect ;-)

Yuyen Chang

HI Leslie,

I had previously set up triggers on each slide to add and subtract the page number displayed, so when a user hits "previous", the number would go down by 1 and when they hit "next", the number would go up by 1. When I discovered this new "Slide Numbers" tool, I was expecting it to work in a similar way. But we are now fine with the default way the percentage is set up with Slide Numbers. Is there some detailed guide on what each of the variable means and how they are calculated (so I can understand when to choose project vs menu vs scene etc.)? I couldn't find it but I didn't look that hard really :) 

Chris Dorna

For everyone who want to learn more about the new variables, I created a project where you can see them all in action. This project has a:

  1. normal scene
  2. scene with a different order in the menu
  3. scene with menu sections 

You can preview the project on:

Building this example I ran into these issues:

  1. There is no variable with the name of the active scene.
  2. The vertical alignment in textboxes and tables cells is a problem because of the extra pixels on the bottom.
  3. It is not possible to reset the progress.


Chris Dorna

Hi Michael,

That works for courses with a linear order, but does not work for courses where the students find their own way through the slides/scenes. 'Progress' means how many slides of a course/scene the student has viewed and this can be different from a current slide the student is viewing.

Mike DiFonzo

How do I get the slide numbers on the Master to be visible when I have a shape across my slide?

I inserted the slide numbers in the Slide Master. All works well except if I have a shape going across the slide. That shape covers up the slide numbers and there's no way for me to move them to the front to be visible since they are on the Master.

Chris Dorna

Hi Mike,

I know only one way to do this and the solution has the do with the order layers are shown.

In the attached example I created a new layer Slidenumber on the masterslide that holds the slidenumber. On the Base Layer of the masterslide there are two triggers:

  • Show layer Slidenumber WHEN variable showNumber changes
  • Toggle variable showNumber WHEN the timeline starts

Perhaps this is a solution but you cannot use Hide other slide layers on the Slide Layer Properties.