Next button not working when navigation is restricted

Nov 26, 2014

I have been working with several files that had a free navigation. I had no problems with the next button. Today, I changed the navigation to restricted. Once I changed, in both the preview and articulate tempshare link, the next button sometimes advances the slide and sometimes it doesn't. If it does advance the slide, it sometimes takes 4-6 clicks to work. I have never used anything but free navigation so I'm hoping I'm missing an easy click. I'm using SL2. Updated today when I experienced problems. Using Chrome as my browser.

Thanks for your help!


13 Replies
Julie Stelter

These comments were from Friday. At that time, I was attributing the collapse of the menu and the scroll arrows to the  change from free to restricted navigation. Since then though more tests have been done. We are getting the same collapse and arrows when I restrict the navigation within SL2 and when I change the XML file. I'm checking to see if we ever got this error when the menu was set to free.

So now I'm thinking it's a combination of Internet Explorer and perhaps restricted navigation setting. This does not happen in Chrome. Can you point me to some resources?

Since I'm not publishing to an LMS but sending them an html5 file that they distribute company wide through servers, my next step is to send them an html file. Hopefully this will fix the issue. 

Also, we can't seem to recreate the problem when we publish to articulate tempshare but we do get the problem from the published zip drive. Does this mean anything?



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julie,

If you're making changes to the XML file, that won't be something I'm able to assist with. It may be that IE is having difficulty reading the changes you made, and additionally they are not one of the supported HTML5 browsers as IE offers limited HTML5 support (you can check out all browsers using a site such as 

You mentioned you see the issue from the published zip drive? I assume you mean when viewing the published output locally instead of the web server? You'll want to test within the intended publish environment as testing it locally could be contributing to some of the issues you've experienced. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julie,

You may want to try a different web server such as one of the free ones mentioned in this article,  and confirm that they're viewing the course in a supported browser with Flash version as detailed here in the system requirements. Also, I'd review the article here with known reasons why the videos are not playing in the published content. 

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