Please help! Problems with Articulate and TalentLMS

Nov 30, 2017

Hi, I've been trying to publish my Articulate 360 content on TalentLMS and I'm having a lot of problems.

1. The images [iStockphoto] are loading very slowly - bit-by-bit [looks awful]

2. My videos are starting a few second late; missing the first few words [very unprofessional]

I'm tried the content on SCORM cloud with the same result so it seems it's an Articulate. I contacted Articulate for support and after three weeks of fairly unhelpful emails, I'm still totally in the dark about what might be causing my problems and what steps I should take - very frustrating actually!

I'm based in Taiwan.

Anyway, if anyone can help it would be great.

Thanks, Brian - Irishman in Taiwan

5 Replies
Susi B

Hi Brian,

I don´t know what the support team already asked you about your course, but could you give us some more informations about it?

Did you try to upload a smaller part of it? > We are working with a lot of videos, sometimes every second slide is a video. That´s why we had to split it into smaller course parts, to improve the loading time.

Are videos (if used) embedded or inserted into the storyline file?

Is this only happening online (which browser are you using) or locally (C drive) too? > Maybe you got an old browser version?

Did you export it to html5 only or with flash fallback or flash only? Which one is loaded in your browser when you open the course? > Could be a flash problem?!

Susi :)

Brian Mc Closkey

Thanks Susi and Russell,


1. I do have  a lot of video and screencasts. Embedded or inserted? I create videos in Camtasia 9 and insert them from a file on my computer.

2. Browser - the interactions work okay in Safari and Chrome, but not so well in Microsoft Edge.

3. I export with Html5 and flash fallback. I'll do some research on what flash problem it could be? Articulate support did mention this.

1. I checked and my images aren't very large.

Next steps:

1. I'll compress every image.
2. I'll create different variations of the project -  reduce video number; reduce screencast number, etc. 

Please watch this space as it would be great to follow up with you both when I've made changes.

Thanks again, Brian

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Brian,

Great news!  We just released another update for Articulate 360, and included a few important fixes that you'll see in the release notes here.  

The item you'll be interested in is:

We fixed some issues with HTML5 output in Microsoft Edge, including drag-and-drop interactions that wouldn't always work properly and courses that would crash if they had text with shadow effects.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for Storyline 360. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all, 

A quick note, we released an update for Articulate 360 today, which included a fix in Storyline 360 for the issue where some images would load slowly from top to bottom in HTML5 output.

If you'd like to install the latest update, launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly. 

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