Pong and improving game making in Storyline 3

May 29, 2017

Hi all, 

 Looking to create better games using Storyline 3. Here's a pong knockoff (without brick breaking) that probably wouldn't have worked in Storyline 2 due to relative motion paths. The zipfile is a web version.

Anyone know how I could do two things: 

  • Poll to find out if a key is depressed (i.e. if the leftarrow key is down, do something) - NOT triggering when a user presses, but triggering while a key is depressed. This functionality would allow me to use arrow keys instead of the mouse, without having sloppy movement
  • Constrain an object to a path - so when the user drags and drops the paddle, it would only move horizontally, not vertically

Has anyone else made games in Storyline 3 that aren't possible in 2? 

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