Publishing a SCORM package so DOES NOT play in a NEW window

Nov 01, 2016

Hi, I have a SCORM package published from SL2 that was set to play in a new window. I republished it so it plays in the same window. However, the change is not taking. When I upload the SCORM package to our LMS (Docebo), it still opens in a new window. Any tips on how to resolve this?


1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hello, there, Priya!  I don't have experience with Docebo, and I'm not sure what the course launch behavior is.  Some LMS's will automatically launch content in a new window.  This page from Docebo support seems to indicate that you have the choice in how it launches:


Do you have other courses in Docebo that DO open in the same window successfully?  If so, I would investigate if it's possible that the older version of the course is still cached somewhere.  Can you connect with your LMS support folks to take a look on their end?

Let us know how you're making out!

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