Publishing Issue

Jun 23, 2014

I've completed my first draft Storyline project and now want to transfer the published presentation to a client's network.  I've tried publishing to web and publishing to CD putting the presentation into a folder instead of on a CD, but when I attempt to play the presentation on their network it doesn't work.  Do I have to publish it in a different format so it will simply play off the network and not through Chrome?

11 Replies
Justin Grenier

Good Morning, Melanie.

This video demonstrates how to upload published content to a web server, and yes, FatCow is an example of a company that hosts web servers.

This Forums Compilation provides a list of valuable LMS forum discussions, if you'd like to familiarize yourself with Learning Management Systems.

Please let us know if you need anything else.  Thanks!

Melanie Mornard

I went through the video and transferred my files to Fat Cow.  But when I tried to develop a link so people could see it I got a blank page.  I contacted the Fat Cow tech and he checked into it and said that I need to check the codes in file story.html.  I tried to republish the presentation, but am getting the same blank page.  The link I'm trying to use is

What is my next option?

Justin Grenier

Hello again, Melanie.

Based on a quick Fiddler trace, it looks like you uploaded the story.html file, but without uploading all of the other published files and subfolders within your output folder.  You can watch how David does this at the 0:40 mark within this video.

Don't forget that although the story.html page is the URL that you'll need to share with your learners, you must upload the entire contents of the output folder to your website.

Melanie Mornard

Hi Justin:

Fat Cow doesn't download the files in the same way David does.  You go in and browse for the files you want and then upload them.  When I initially did this it didn't pick up the story content file.  I've now gone in and manually downloaded all the files in that folder and tried to see it again.  t's still not coming up.

Justin Grenier

Hi, Melanie.

Manually uploading your published output one file at a time is not going to work.  Your published output needs to stay intact, in precisely the same organizational structure, with every file in precisely the same path of folders and subfolders as when it was published.

Generally, the way to do this is via FTP, and I would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider to ask them how you can FTP a folder full of files and subfolders up to their site.

As an alternative, if you'd like to perform a simple test to verify that your published output works, you may do so via Tempshare.

Melanie Mornard

OK, my brain is now like mush trying to figure this out.  I'm so sorry for all the problems.  I feel like I'm trying to find my way using a foreign language.

Here's what I've done.  I went back to Fat Cow and the tech basically told me I'm going to have to put the files in one at a time.  This presentation is huge.  This is crazy.  When I used presenter I published directly to Fat Cow, but I don't see how to do that in Storeline.  Unless of course I've had the same brain freeze I did with zip.  Once you reminded me I remembered it.

I zipped the presentation and put it into Tempshare and it works just fine.

Justin Grenier

Hi, Melanie.

If the course works fine in TempShare and doesn't work at FatCow, this becomes an issue for you to work on with FatCow (by the way, FatCow's own knowledge base has an article on how to connect to your site via FTP, so you may want to double-check with their technician on that).

On the same Publish Successful dialog as the screenshot above is an FTP button that will allow you to publish directly from Storyline to an FTP server, but first you need to convince your Web Host to let you do that!  

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