Review Quiz button not working in Storyline 360 (on laptop)

Feb 13, 2017

Hi - I have several Storyline 2 files that I'd like to upgrade to Storyline 360.  I republished them in 360 and everything seems to work quite well, but one issue I've run into is that the Review Quiz button  does not work when I view the course on my Microsoft Surface laptop. When I click it, nothing happens. (The Retry Quiz button's fine.) The Review Quiz button DOES work for these courses when I view them on an iPad or on my iPhone (5). I have published them with Flash/HTML5 fallback. I did not change anything in the files after converting them to 360 (just republished them). I also installed the latest version of SL 360 today (I'm still on the trail version at the moment). Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

34 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hey Brigitte,

Thanks for reaching out! It's odd that you're only seeing this behavior on the Surface laptop and only with the Review button. Can you confirm that you're using one of these supported browsers on the Surface laptop? Also, have you uploaded the content to a web server or LMS before testing it, or did you test it locally on the laptop?

Brigitte Cahill

Hi Alyssa -- I've tried it with Chrome, EDGE, and Firefox. What's interesting is, I just tried it in ScormCloud and the Review button IS working there. When I test it locally, from the 'output' folder (which is how I did it before), the Review button does not work. How strange is that?! But, I guess, that solves the problem for my learners for now...but it's still not working locally. Not sure if that is a real issue then. Currently, for me, it's not, if it runs ok in ScormCloud. I think??

Alyssa Gomez

Sounds like that was the culprit, Brigitte! Viewing published content locally isn't supported, since security restrictions can cause various features in your content to fail. Instead, we recommend that you always upload your content to the intended environment, either a web server or LMS. And since you published for LMS and tested it in SCORM Cloud, we can assume that it's working as it should. :)

Krystal James

We are having the same issue. Upgraded class to SL 360. Now the Review Quiz button doesn't work when watching on a PC or tablet ipad (using chrome on both devices- not app).  have checked settings on button and layers, and even added a new review quiz button and didn't work.  The review quiz button did work on Articulate Review though?  We don't publish through SCORM. and it's not on a local device.  can't share file publicly but happy to send to someone to review... several of us have reviewed and are stumped!!!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Krystal - How are you publishing and sharing your content? In your second reply you mention LMS. Can you replicate the behavior when the content is uploaded to SCORM Cloud or is the issue limited to your LMS? If you are publishing in another way, please let me know. If you wish to share your file privately with our support team, you may do so here.

Leslie McKerchie

Sounds great Krystal. You are welcome to pop in and share your case number here and I'll be sure to follow along.

I wanted to share this article on testing content on SCORM Cloud to provide a bit more insight as to why that is a common suggestion from us. It's just a great way to identify if an issue lies within the project or within the LMS.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Yael,

Thanks for reaching out. We found that the Review Quiz feature isn't working correctly in HTML5 when the resume behavior is set to "Never resume". 

Until we find a fix, you can get around this by viewing the Flash output, or set the resume behavior to "Prompt to resume" or "Always resume" on restart.

Thanks so much for letting us know what's going on, and I'm sorry if it has caused you headaches. I'll update you when I get more information! 

Jack Prather

Hello Alyssa,

I am in the same predicament as many here needing the Review quiz button to work in HTML5 output, while having "Never resume" set in the player properties.  I can't allow users to resume the training because they are on shared computers and not in an LMS.  We can't use Flash because the files are local to the user, not on a web server.  They are offshore and can't rely on internet.  Everything about the HTML5 output works perfectly for us, except the quiz Review buttons.  Any new updates on this? Thanks,


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