Safari Issue with Glossary Look

Nov 06, 2016

Hi there, I saw that a colleague had a similar issue but I did not see a solution for it ...

The Resources and Glossary look differently. I tried it several times with different set-ups and the Glossary always looks differently.

Has anyone found a solution for that? I have to say that this happens when I use Safari or iPad. Chrome and Mozilla are OK.

Have a look at the image please.

Thank you


4 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Bobby!

Thanks for sharing your .story file and allowing me to take a look.

Seems that it's the Glossary and the issue is in HTML5 output only. I see where a similar issue has been shared with our QA Team and I'm going to share this link and file with them as well. 

I do not have any kind of timeline to provide, but will update here when applicable.

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