SCORM sending score too early?

Nov 02, 2020

Running into an issue with a project that has learners select their role a few slides in. The role selection is in the form of a multiple choice question. Depending on their answer they will be directed to a specific scene with content for that role. All paths then end on the same results slide that submits the results from the multiple choice question as a means of completion.

The problem we are having is that the SCORM file is submitting the score to our LMS as soon as the learner chooses their role (communication log shows cmi.core.score.raw=100  as soon as the choice is made but is blank before that happens). So if they exit the course right away, they get full credit, instead of having to get all the way to the results slide which I thought was the piece that would actually submit the data instead.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated!

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Chris,

Storyline tracks the results of a quiz (i.e., any question or set of questions attached to a Results slide) as the user progresses, and updates the score accordingly. The user doesn't have to see the Results slide at all. 

If you've got 360, add a Completion trigger to the your final slide (instead of tracking via Results). 

If you've got an earlier version, here's an alternate way to track completion: 

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