SL360 Drag and drops in Edge

Nov 07, 2017

Hi all, 

I have noticed a rise in issues with drag and drops in Edge recently using Storyline 360. 

It appears that drag items are simply not snapping drop zones when using shapes created in Storyline. (a square to be precise).

I have put a demo together for you to examine and test in Edge, i'd be interested to see if you experience the same problem.

As you'll see i've colour coded each test. Test 6, being the only example that doesn't include any in built shapes, appears to be the only test which is successful. 

I am using the latest version of Storyline 360 (v3.9.13567.0) and have been able to replicate this problem across many courses and on many machines. 

Please can you investigate this issue, as production efficiency is currently being affected by having to create everything as a graphic in a different tool before dropping them into storyline.


64 Replies
Nigel Kirkby

Thanks Leslie, but unfortunately Abel (even with his undoubtedly great hands) was only able (tehe) to point me at Articulate's website that states that only the latest version of Edge is supported. This is how I replied to him:

"The problem is that Edge, unlike all the other major browsers, is wedded to the version of Windows 10 that a corporate IT Manager (naturally cautious people!) has decided is safe for all their users and the applications they use. This affects not only us as eLearning developers, but also our clients who we really have no control over what version they are trying to view our content on. So Articlulate's stance on only supporting the very latest version of Edge isn't really benefitting your customers or your customer's customers.

 Also, Edge 38 WAS the latest version of Edge (almost 2 years ago!), so presumably you supported it then? I appreciate it gets complicated, but if you knew how to make HTML5 content work back then, then surely those same tweaks can be incorporated into your current HTML5 solution if you detect they are using that older version of the browser. It may make your codebase a little larger, but surely this is preferable to your customers being bombarded with support tickets all the time from their users saying 'X doesn't work anymore'.

 If my main business was developing eLearning authoring tools, then I'd be looking a lot harder at finding a solution that works better for all my customers, not just a select few. This is drag and drop - a fundamental interaction type, not working in a browser that is still the default for many users in Windows 10."

I doubt the above will achieve much, but shining a light on these things sometimes helps shift opinion.

Andy Heckman

We're having the same issue in regards to drag and drop questions in the latest version of Edge. When 'dragging' an item to a target, the item does not move to the target (it stays in its original position) any feedback would be appreciated in what storyline are working on and if they are working on a fix for this.


Cameron Wood

Andy, I would advice putting in a support case for this like the rest of us have. Hopefully that will move it up into their queue for bug fixes.

So far the only option has been to export it to flash with a mix bag of re-assigning the drag and drop triggers, and at times that doesn't work either. It is most definitely a bug, and it keeps us from exporting to HTML5 only, so the more cases we put in, the more likely they'll fix it. But as they might explain to you, there are no guarantees.

Don Smith

I've given up on this and have "dropped" this feature from my toolkit.

1. It may be a defect and it may not. I've personally experienced it working perfectly on my own laptop with Windows 10 Home. I cannot get it to work on the company machines. It is possible there are some settings automatically configured on these machines, but I haven't been able to locate which settings these may be.

2. Drag and drop is not ADA friendly. This is an activity that cannot be completed using a screen reader, so I'm not going to use it anymore. ADA compliance is becoming more and more a priority as we design learning for people of all abilities.

Alyssa Gomez

Hello, David! I know it's frustrating when your client is seeing a bug that you're not seeing on your side! Happy to help you sort this out.

First, what version and update of Storyline are you using? To check, click the Help tab, then About Storyline. 

Also, what exactly isn't working correctly with the drag and drop activity?

David Ellenwood

Hi, Alyssa. I'm in the middle of this now. We have the Drag and Drop working. We had to replace the Storyline objects that we were using as drop targets with .png images that were created outside of Storyline. When using Storyline objects, the dropped item would not stay on the drop target, it would snap back to its original position. We are using version 3.20.16814.0. Thanks.

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