Storyline 360 or storyline 3?

Dec 08, 2016

Hello there

I am looking for information on e-learning development software. I found this site. When I read in the topics I read about Storyline 360 and also about storyline 3.

My question is "Is Storyline 360 the same as storyline 3? Or are they two different software programms?" I think it's the same, but I am not sure.
Hope to recieve an answer soon. Thanks in advance, Sebastian

41 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sebas,

Storyline 3 is not currently an Articulate product. We have Storyline 1 and Storyline 2, and our team will be release a perpetual version of Storyline (likely to be called Storyline 3 if history is any indication) but Storyline 360 is part of the entire Articulate 360 suite of tools. That is a subscription based service. If you wanted a comparison of Storyline 2 and Storyline 360 you could take a look at the information here. 

David Kelling

Please update your answer now that Storyline 3 has been released.  All I want is to get the features of Storyline 360 but I don't want the whole suite and I want a perpetual license, not a subscription.  I know a SL2 file must be updated/upgraded/converted to open in SL360.  Can I open an SL360 file in SL3? Can I open an SL3 file in SL360? Are SL3 and SL360 files interchangable?  Are there differences in functionaltiy/enhancements between SL3 and SL360? Thanks

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi David, 

Storyline 3 just launched today - so as of the initial question it wasn't yet a reality here in ELH. :)

Storyline 360 projects can be opened and edited with Storyline 3 except when they include new features that exist only in Storyline 360. Storyline 3 projects can always be opened and edited with Storyline 360. 

Storyline 2 projects can be upgraded to Storyline 3, but Storyline 3 projects can’t be opened or edited with Storyline 2.

This article describes changes and improvements you’ll see after upgrading an existing course to Storyline 3.

Also, thanks Lucie for sharing that chart! It should break it down into more specifics, and Storyline 3 can run on the same system as you're running Storyline 360 (or Storyline 2) so feel free to give it a trial run! 

Misha Milshtein

Hi Ashley,

this is still very confusing, to be honest, so please clarify the following:


My understanding is Storyline 360 will be ahead of the standalone Storyline versions (currently Storyline 3)


If I have Articulate 360 there is no reason for me to get Storyline 3, since it will not be an upgrade in any way.


Every time you release the new feature, it will be added first to Storyline 360


Thank you so much!


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Misha, 

Sorry if it's still confusing! We know it's a lot of info, so we're continuing refining language based on feedback like this.

Storyline 360 will generally be ahead of perpetual versions of Storyline. The initial release of Storyline 3 did include a few bug fixes that are targeted for Update 5 of Storyline 360 very soon. So questions one and three are mostly true.

For question two - I'd say true. If you needed to share an SL360 file with another user who has Storyline 3, you can - just keep in mind that those projects will open in Storyline 3, except when they include new features that exist only in Storyline 360. Storyline 3 projects can always be opened and edited with Storyline 360. We think this is the best way to help customers who need to exchange projects between the perpetual version and subscription version (which will always be more feature-rich) of Storyline.

Misha Milshtein

Perfect. Thank you for the timely response, Ashley. I can see you are watching over these discussions like a hawk. 


So, for the purpose of the clarifying language, it seems that Storyline 3 is a standalone version of Storyline, where Storyline 360 is a part of the Articulate 360 suite. Correct?


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Kind of like it's my job... ;-) 

You're right on target. Storyline 360 continues a part of the whole Articulate 360 suite, while Storyline 3 remains a standalone license. 

Storyline 3 is the same as Storyline 360 but without Articulate 360 subscription features, such as Content Library and Articulate Review. This means you can open Storyline 3 and Storyline 360 projects interchangeably, which is great when you’re collaborating with other Storyline users.

As Storyline 360 continues to evolve, there will be new features that exist only in Storyline 360. This means you won’t be able to open Storyline 360 projects in Storyline 3 if they include new features specific to Storyline 360. If continuous feature updates are important to you, then we recommend you consider Articulate 360, which includes Storyline 360. Storyline 360 will always be latest version of Storyline and is continuously updated with new features.

Michael Anselmo

I'm sorry, but just to make sure I understood all of this correctly.  I currently have SL2, and was actually going to fill out the purchase req. today to get Articulate 360 for the additional tools, etc.  This morning I saw the release of SL3, and I'm really excited about the new features.  I just want to be sure that I will be getting all of those features if I continue with my upgrade to Articulate 360?  It sounds like 360 is the way to go based on your last reply, but it's a tedious process here to get software here, and I just want to make sure I do it right the first time so I can get to work with this ASAP.  :-)  Thank you.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Cynthia,

Wendy's got you covered with the chart! If you’re looking to move from an older version of Storyline to Storyline 3, the things I'd suggest focusing on are:

Clearpath Learning Group

Thanks for the info on the differences. Just looks like you can use SL3 to open 360 files as long as there aren't features specific to 360. 

If I create a 360 files and use the templates and content library, is that considered "features specific to 360"? Or would I be able to open that file in SL3?

I just used my PMP to upgrade to SL3 yesterday, and now I'm wondering if I made the correct decision.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Caryn,

Right now Storyline 3 and Storyline 360 have feature parity, but since Articulate 360 is continuously updated, and Storyline 3 will not be, that won’t always be the case. Articulate 360 users will always get new features as soon as they’re available, and that means there will definitely be some projects that won’t be editable in Storyline 3.

Content library assets will work in Storyline 3 if you’ve inserted them in Storyline 360.

Sarah Cook

Hi Ashley,

I've come across quite a few issues with HTML5 in Storyline 2, all of which are known to the developers (e.g. fonts issues with the Notes field, quiz feedback not appearing correctly.) Can you please let me know if these issues are fixed in Storyline 3/360?

Many thanks


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sarah,

I'd be happy to confirm if these were still issues in Storyline 3/360 - I took a look any cases from you with our Support team but didn't see anything. Were you referring to a forum discussion where they were reported? That'll help me confirm the issue we've reported to our team and to track it down! 

Jonathan Workman

Is this truly responsive though?  When I look at the video by Arlyn, I see that when you view the different output options (tablets and phones with different orientations), it doesn't adjust the content the way you see in other responsive design examples (, it just sizes it down the content to fit the screens and orientation.

Is there a plan in the future to see Storyline content move to true responsive design?