Storyline 360 users: What are your localization pain points?

Apr 02, 2024

Hi Storyline 360 users!

We’ve been hearing that course localization can be a painful, time-consuming process. We hate that it’s such a frustrating experience, so we’re working on some ideas to make it much easier. But to do that, we need your help! 

If you can spare five minutes, we’d love for you to complete this short survey to help us understand your localization needs.

We look forward to hearing from you!

26 Replies
Phil Mayor

Hi Alison, I am sure others will have loads to add for a start

  • CCs are a real pain to export and reimport. 
  • Repeated text strings in the text because of strings this costs money to translate
  • Would be much better to have one file that user selects the language on
  • Sometimes translations do not reimport
  • XLIFF should work but many times does not so we resort to the Word file but most translation agencies are cheaper ion you use XLIFF which never reimports
  • Variables and References can get translated
  • Hyperlinks often break when you import a translation file
  • Font sizes and colours change (not as often now but still happens)
  • The import reports strings not translated but these should be highlighted some how, it is time consuming to check and never find them.
  • I should be able to check a box to exclude notes from the translation


Penny Spacht

My company has the survey blocked. Frowning face 

I'd like to have a pane that lists each element/item on the timeline showing the exact time of entrance and exit of animations. I hate working with cue points. If I know the exact times, I should be able to enter them. 

If we can't enter the exact times, then at least have the option of locking the audio at the top of a Storyline timeline.  This would make it so much easier when I'm syncing slides that have a lot of elements and animations.  I image it would be similar to locking a header row in a table or freezing a pane in an Excel spreadsheet. I have a former teammate who use to change his monitor from landscape to portrait; however, that isn't a solution for me. 

We have a lot of older courses that require maintenance. It's the syncing of audio that takes the most time. 

David Tait

The biggest pain point I have encountered was when I exported the xliff from 20 RIse courses, and then sent them away to be translated.

In the meantime I had created 6 copies of each course, one for each language variant, ready to update with the transalted xliff files.

Unfortunately, when I tried to import the xliff files back in to each course, it became evident that this wasn't possible. Instead I should have created my duplicate courses first, then exported each individual xliff file from them. So instead of generating 20 xliff files, that would have required me to generate 120, which seemed like unecessary work. 

The work around I had to use was a major headache, as I had to start with my English version, then import a new language xliff in to it, before creating a dupliacte course to save the updates. I then had to return to my English version for each and every module/language, which cost me an awful lot of time that I hadn't factored in to my costs.

On reflection, the documentation made clear the process I should have followed, but my original method seemed so logical to me that I didn't consider that it wouldn't work.

If I was to change one thing in that process, it would be to allow me to export a single xliff per course, then have it be compatible for import back in to copies of the original.

Vanda H.

Hi Sander, you can loop Emphasis Animations with a single trigger :) 

There is a new Action (Emphasize) for it! So the trigger would be smthing like this: 

(Object) using
When animation completes

I hope this helps and I absolutely second your Multilanguage CC suggestion :) 

Rob Shaw

I filled out the form but wanted to add more detail about multiple languages in one Storyline file.

  • This is a HUGE copy/paste exercise (pasting slides/graphics, not translated text). We'll be supporting 10 languages in our next output and for me, combining slides/assessments from the translated course is always a long process.
  • Even after doing this and having a multi language Storyline file, I then need to import my closed captions and voice over files again. My folder structure is such that I have the sounds files and SRT files in folders with the same filenames, just pointing to these for automatic substitution would be great.
  • Copying and pasting assessments across files is always tricky too and involves bringing over the assessment slides/question banks and a lot of tweaking to get the correct language to show.

If I could select my translated course '.story' files and somehow combine them with my base English version, that would be perfect!

Ray Cole

This is how you (Articulate) can best leverage AI. Look at what companies like "HeyGen" are already doing. I upload a video of myself talking in English (a "talking head" video) to their website (or, in Storyline, I'd want to be able to drop a video on a slide). 

Then I select what language I want (for example, Spanish).

That's it. That's all I have to do. HeyGen automatically:

  • Creates an AI clone of my voice based on what it hears in the video I uploaded
  • AI transcribes what I say in the video
  • AI translates the English transcription into Spanish
  • Reads the translated transcription using AI text-to-speech with my AI-cloned voice so it sounds like I am speaking the target language (Spanish, in this case)
  • AI adjusts the lips in my video so that they now sync up with the Spanish-speaking AI voice clone, completing the illusion that I am speaking Spanish.

Add to this some other AI-powered processes to take the Spanish transcription and use it to create timed closed-caption files synced with the new Spanish audio.

While you're at it, have a different voice generate an audio description of whatever is happening in the video (this is for accessibility purposes).

In other words, nearly everything in the localization and accessibility workflows should be AI-powered and automatic. As soon as I put any media on a Storyline slide, closed captions, translations (if I so desire), audio descriptions of visuals, secondary audio tracks, etc. should all be generated automatically and in the background. For images, ALT tags should be auto-generated.

This would be a HUGE time saver. And I think most of the technology to do this already exists.

Graduate Campus

Ray, I appreciate this answer so much and can only second all of that!!

I really hope Articulate Storyline will step up its game since localization really has the most pain points for me and I consider it a must in that day and age.

Hoping that the survey is going to lead to some progression in that matter.


Peter van der Slikke

Hi there!

First of all a big thank-you for bringing up this topic and all efforts to improve on the Articulate side!

My 2 cents:

The need to work with XLIFF is a big downfall and reason to sometimes choose alternatives.

Reason is that it takes exotic software or external services to read this file type.

In the Netherlands, where a lot of us work in companies or universities where English is the base language we like to be in control of the process.

Also because we use our own proof-readers who can more and more often on AI based translation the exclusive XLIFF method can be a showstopper.

It seems right now that Articulate (Rise) is pushing users towards working with translation companies. 

Are there others experiencing this? Does anybody have a good workaround tip?

Kim Whiteside

In addition to agreeing with many of the pain points mentioned, here's what I would love to see: 

  1. Selecting PUBLISH in Storyline
  2. Being given the option to TRANSLATE CURRENT COURSE
  3. Being give a LANGUAGE choice option (perhaps from a drop down menu)
  4. Being able to chose ADDITIONAL FEATURES (such as: notes, closed captions, narration)
  5. Clicking PUBLISH - and having the output be a completely translated course.