Storyline PDF on webobject can't render completly on iOS (AMP or Web)

Apr 26, 2017

I'm developing an elearning project where you need to consult a PDF document that is embedded in the course.

I embed the PDF into a slide through the web object control and it seems to work all properly except when the course is displayed on iPad.

Both from the browser and from the AMP app, pdf shows only the first page and it's impossible to scroll all the content.

Do you have any suggestions?

21 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Andrea,

Do you know what iOS you're using? This is something we saw in iOS 7 and earlier. I also see that there are still some open investigations on this, so if you can share:

  • The iOS you're using,
  • The AMP version you have installed,
  • Storyline version and update

Let me know if you need help gathering that information! If you've got a link to the course I'd love to have that to share with our team too.

Andrea Plozzer

Hi Ashley,

I use Storyline 360 (3.5.11153.0) / iPad Air 2 (iOS 10.3.1) / AMP 4.1

To replicate my problem just open a new project, in the empty slide insert a Web Object pointing to a local folder containing the pdf and an index.html file.
Public for AMP and  then the pdf is visible only in its first part.

I tried with various pdfs ... I attach the story prj and an image from my iPad.

Thank you


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Andrea, 

I took a look and saw what you're describing and had a few colleagues test it too. I reported this to our team as a possible software bug and let them know we tested with the latest iOS as well!

Have you tried uploading the PDF to a web server? That web object may work better as it won't rely on the PDF loading directly in Storyline but first on the website which would control the scroll functionality?

From here, I’ll meet with my team to take a closer look so we can determine next steps. Sometimes my team catches errors in my logic and we don’t have a bug after all. Of course, if that’s the case, I’ll let you know!  

Depending on priority and risk, some bugs can be fixed quickly, while others take longer to resolve. Here's more information on how we identify and tackle bugs.

I’ll let you know as soon as we have an update on this issue. Thanks so much again for letting us know about this, and I’m sorry if it’s slowing you down.

Andrea Plozzer
Lauren Connelly

Hi Carol!

Our team is still looking into this bug so we don't a fix yet. I'd love for us to take a look at how this is appearing on your end. Would you mind sharing your file with me?

To share your file, you can either attach it to this discussion using the Add Attachment button or you can send it using this private upload link! Either way, I'll take a look and share my findings with you.

Lauren Connelly

Hello Germain!

I'm happy to help! It looks like in Carol's case; the issue was that the web object was located on Carol's C:/ Drive rather than hosted on the internet. If this sounds familiar, please try adding the file to a web server, or online hosting service, before adding it as a web object to your slide.

If this doesn't do the trick, feel free to connect with a Support Engineer!

Carol North

Actually I was never able to get the PDFs to scroll on the iPad unfortunately even when inserted as a web object (not from my C drive) - what I landed up doing for about 15 slides was to copy and paste the PDFs as one very long image and insert them in as an image into a scroll bar, and avoid the WebObject altogether. Very long and tedious way around but at least it’s iPad compatible now. 

Ren Gomez

Hi Everyone,

Good news! We fixed the issue where a user can't scroll in the web object (pdf) in HTML5.

Here's how to install the latest Storyline 360 update to see all the recent enhancements and fixes.

If the problem reappears, please connect with our team, or share a screen recording here, and we'll be happy to help!

Paul Austad

I have updated to the most current available, and this issue still persists. A web-object with linked PDF doesn't allow scrolling. This occurs on both Safari and Chrome on iOS. Even if using two fingers to scroll as suggested by iPad user guide.

Note, also, we previously used a scroll box with jpg renders of the pdf pages. That also didn't scroll on iPad.

Becca Levan

Thanks for following up, Aaron, and welcome to the community!

We're continuing to monitor the impact of this bug where you can't scroll through a PDF embedded in a web object.

To help you plan, we've prioritized other bug fixes for the upcoming releases, and this hasn't made it on the roadmap yet. I'll be sure to update this discussion when it is slated for an upcoming release.