Triggers not working

Jan 20, 2020

 I have a slide with 3 text boxes (which lightbox other slides) that have visited states. I set a variable so that the NEXT button is "hidden" until all 3 Text boxes are visited, and then the NEXT button should be "normal." Basically, I want to force learners to click into all of those three text boxes. It isn't working. See attached. What do I need to change?

8 Replies
David Barnes

I am having a similar issue and still trying to work out the problem.  If I find an answer I will let you know. Mine is I have 7 buttons where it takes them to individual slides within the scene.  I tried next button disable when timeline starts; but then switched to hidden to see if that would make a difference and it did not.  My conditions are set to change state of next button to normal when all 7 buttons are selected.  All 7 buttons have been selected but it still will not change the state of the next button. Maybe I have too many triggers and it just doesn't compute.

Anne Baker

Yes, that is what I have. Should it be when timeline starts or some other trigger?

Change state of NEXT Button to Normal
When timelines starts on this slide
If the state of Apply Stage=Visited
and the state of do Stage=Visited
and the state of Reflect Stage=Visited

Anne M. Baker
(pronouns: she/her/hers)
Learning and Talent Development Specialist

Michigan State University Extension
Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture
446 West Circle Drive, Room 408A
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-884-6028 office
517-899-1991 cell

MSU Extension programs and material are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or veteran status.

Walt Hamilton

"When state of ..." is reliable only if the trigger is being processed at the moment the state changes, or if the moon's phase is just right, and your user is wearing the right color of shirt. It is very useful in its proper place, which is in the "on condition" part of a trigger.

To have a really reliable action, your trigger needs to reference an action that will happen, and "state of ..." is not an action.

the sample in this thread: will give you a method to do that. The Mixed and Restricted Navigation parts both feature Next button that doesn't appear until all areas are visited.

The visited areas are layers, but could as easily be other slides, or lightboxes. I just used layers to shorten and simplify the example. The Next button is a custom button, but all the actions can just as easily be done to the built-in buttons.

Anne Baker

Yes. That did it....basically taking away timeline begins so the trigger is all 3 states are visited. Thanks.

Anne M. Baker
(pronouns: she/her/hers)
Learning and Talent Development Specialist

Michigan State University Extension
Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture
446 West Circle Drive, Room 408A
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-884-6028 office
517-899-1991 cell

MSU Extension programs and material are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or veteran status.

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