Video Playback Too Quiet

Aug 21, 2020


Has anyone found a way to increase the volume for one slide?

Or know why the video playback is much quieter than the narrated slides? And how I could resolve this?

The rest of the course is ready to go, it's just this slide holding us back.


Many thanks all!

1 Reply
Jonathan Huguenin

Hello, Christina,

My English is not very good, I will try to express myself as best I can.

Here are 3 solutions that I could propose to you:

  • You can increase the sound of a video once it's integrated in Storyline (see below)

  • You can also make sure that you have activated the volume button in the player, so that the learner can increase / decrease the volume.
  • Last (and best) solution is to make sure that the sound levels of all your multimedia are the same. In your case, it is very likely that your narrations will not be the same as your videos.
    For my part I normalize my MP3 audio narrations to -1dB and I make sure that it is the same with my videos. This way all sounds are equal.

I hope I could have helped you a little bit, don't hesitate if you have other questions.

Have a nice day.

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