Viewing saved projcets

Feb 15, 2016

Hi, just got introduced to storyline 2, and I am having trouble viewing projects that I have saved. For instance, all projects that are imported from a PPT are viewable after I save them, but If I start a new project within articulate, like a multiple choice activity with states and triggers, I am unable to view it after I have saved it. Only a blank slide occurs.


Please help... 

2 Replies
Nick S

Hi Caroline.

I'm sorry to hear about the troubles with your files.  That's definitely an odd issue and if we can take a look at the .story file that may help.  Are you saving the new files to your local disk?  This helps to minimize issues with files and possible corruption that can occur when saving across a network or on external devices.

This thread is a bit older but has a mention of the local saving as a possible repair also.

Good luck with your project!

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