Why can't I have two storylines open at the same time?

Jul 25, 2013

I'm creating training modules for multiple levels of employees, which use a lot of the same information. I was hoping to save myself some time by simply copying and pasting the information from one storyline to the next like I would in any other Microsoft program like PowerPoint or Word... but I found I can't have two storylines open simultaneously, so I have to open one, copy the information, close it, open the other one, then paste. And I have to do this one scene at a time. It's incredibly time-consuming and taking literally hours because of all the information. There has to be an easier way... I have deadlines to meet, here!

34 Replies
Ryan McDonald

@Phil: you just made my day.  When I first started using Storyline a few months ago, one of the first things I tried to do was open a second Storyline file from the File menu so that I could quickly copy and paste slides across two projects. This didn't work, so I just assumed it wasn't possible to open two instances at the same time (which is obviously a huge disadvantage).  I just tried out your suggestion and now I have two instances up and running.  This will save me *so* much time going forward. 

If Chrisanna and I didn't realize this was a possibility, there must be others who aren't aware of this, so this should definitely be submitted as a Feature Request. 

Chrisanna  Hibbitts

Wow! Thanks for all the great responses, everyone! I found that I was in fact using the network drive, instead of the C-drive, and that's what was causing so many issues (taking forever to open, save, and multiple crashes when trying to have more than one module open).

My learning modules are now running much more smoothly, and I can have more than one module open at once. Yay! Thanks again, everyone! This is a wonderful resource!

Michael Fimian

Hi All,

I routinely have seven SLs open;  not for cutting and pasting, though, but for going from Lesson 1 to Lesson 2, 3, etc to assure that pages are properly and uniform;y formatted.  We build lessons ( seven per session) and it's a great way to catch the small chneges from week to week...

Celeste Murray

Hi, I am new to Storyline.

Can someone please tell me specifically how to open a second storyline project from "the icon or start menu" as posted above here? When I click the A circle, or icon, I then click Open. Once I do that, it wants to save the project I have open so it can close before opening the second project.

Also, someone else posted "open a new instance." I don't know how to open a new instance.

Thanks so much in advance for you help!

Jim Penson

I am able to open two instances, but have had one crash on a couple of occasions. I wonder if this is related. I'll have to pay more attention to when it does crash.  (Actually just freezes. Task Manager shows it as still active, but if you kill the app, it says it's waiting on a response. Go to the response panel, and it won't accept input. Then the TM will show as not responding allowing you to kill the app.) This may be totally unrelated but I'm going to see if this happens when I only have one instance going. Anyone else have this happen when multi-instancing? 

Alyssa Gomez

Thanks for letting us know what's going on, Jim. I haven't seen this happen on my end, but I'm interested to hear more specifics about your experience and if anyone else has experienced this. Also, what Windows operating system are you using? Are you on a PC or a virtual machine on a Mac?

I'll subscribe to this thread to keep up with any information you add here!

Walt Hamilton


I've had it happen just as you describe, but not with multi-instances.  Generally, there are two causes.

1. Memory hogging. While this thread involves SL 360 and Windows 7, the problem is certainly inherited from at least SL 2. I have the same problem with SL2 on both Win 8 and 10. As the old computer adage says, - "CTRL-S (save); use it in place of ENTER." I just replace save with save and shut down about once every hour or two.

2. Trying to duplicate certain built-in objects, such as radio buttons and checkboxes has a high incidence of triggering the behavior you describe.