Articulate Community Roadshows in 2014

Dec 03, 2013

Just wanted to share that we’re looking at doing some Articulate Community Roadshows in 2014.  We hope to make it a fun, practical, hands-on type extension of our online community. We’re picturing a two-day event with two tracks each day that would include a range of topics around general elearning, visual design, interactivity and of course some sessions specifically related to the Articulate tools.

Although nothing has been finalized yet, here are some tentative locations and time frames.

[ UPDATED DATES & CITIES 6/9/14  - Visit each link for details ]

We’re looking for your feedback. What topics are you most interested in? Is there anyone you would like to see present? Would you like to be a presenter yourself? Any other feedback or suggestions?

I look forward to your responses and hope to see you there!

99 Replies
Steve Coscia

The Philadelphia tentative dates are good for me.  I plan to attend.

I am a Storyline newbie who has created and finished my first e-lesson for a client.  My main interest is in learning tips and techniques for engaging and interactive content.  Also, I'd like to learn how to design quizes that engage.

-Steve Coscia

Jackie Van Nice

Dan Sweigert said:

I'd like to recommend Jackie Van Nice as a presenter. I think a lot of us in the community have benefited from her knowledge and creativity.

Hey! Thanks for that very nice vote of confidence, Dan! Just need a road show closer to home.

(Wouldn't Hilton Head Island be a lovely spot for a road show, Mike?? I'll bet you anything ELHs know how to cavort on beaches when they're not talking about software.)

Nick n/a

Tom Kuhlmann said:

Just a few additional details:

  • We'll have some other events in Canada (probably Vancouver and on the east side)
  • Also going to do something in Europe/UK
  • Since we're just getting started, we may limit the events to four US events until we work out the kinks. One of my goals is to keep the events budget-friendly so cities with better transportation access works. We could drop Seattle (although I am quite fond of the city) for Denver. The dates/locations are tentative, but I wanted to get some feedback and what works best.
  • We'll still do some of the regional ASTD workshops like we do currently, but with the roadshow we can make them more hands-on and practical than with the ASTD-type events that cater to a broader audience.

Still happening for the UK at some point?

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