Asking for Criticism on an Infographic

Jun 08, 2016

Ugh. I really want to get better at Infographics. So I'm going to try and do one a week. I use a few free online tools to create them. 

Young Professionals in Florida's Most Populated Areas

I feel like my Young Professionals in Florida's Most Populated Areas infographic is too boxy. I kinda had all the census info I wanted to share so I went on to describe what to do in Florida. This might make the message unclear.  

Should I have changed the title of the infographic?

Do you like the palette of colors I used? 

7 Replies
David Tait

Hi Tatty,

If I'm going to be picky I'd say that the infographic lacks a logical flow, there is so much going on that my eyes don't know where to look first. I would introduce a hierarchy to the information to lead the reader through the information. I would also remove the heavy outlines on the panels, they're too distracting and stand out more than any of the info within them. If they have to stay I'd tone them down, thinner line weight and a tint of the yellow background perhaps.

I'd begin with the title, probably all in one colour so that is reads as one 'Young Professionals in Florida's Most Populated Areas' currently it reads as two headings due to the two colours you've used. I would also left-align the title. Next I would remove the white box from behind the map of Florida, it doesn't add anything and the box adds an unnecessary element.

I would also add some context by adding an introductory paragraph beneath the title, this will help set the context of your infographic. To help with setting the context I would consider including the total population of Florida info up top, it's currently hidden half way down the infographic.

In the Male/Female tables the place name rows don't horizontally align perfectly with the numbers beneath the age ranges, little details like this will improve the look. I would also suggest moving the silhouettes of the man/woman as currently they interrupt the connection between the place names and the associated data to their right.There is possibly scope to combine these two graphics with the use of colour-coding to distinguish between male/female, this would save you a lot of space as you wouldn't need to repeat the place names.

The same applies to the Percentage of people that hold a bachelor's degree box. Also in this box I'm unsure what the aged 25 years+ text is referring to.

I think that if I was to structure this information I'd be categorising it, maybe as such:

  • Demographic (currently your male/female info plus their qualifications)
  • Finance (currently your tax, household income info)
  • Leisure and tourism (Kennedy, Disney World, gators, golf, beaches etc. I like your graphic for the sports teams)
  • I would then sprinkle the other bits throughout as interesting facts to break it up and to help tie the categories together visually.

In answer to your question, yes your colours work.

There are some excellent books available on the subject, one of my favourites is:

I hope this helps and you don't mind what I hope is constructive feedback.

Tatty Chavez

David Tait,

UM...heart face emojis...everything you are saying is awesome.

Literally, did not have a focused plan. It was a jumbled mess.

White box behind Florida was the second non-copyright photo I saw. I didn't
like the background either but I'm working with free tools and this free
site for the first time. (No excuses next time)

An introduction could I forget that. I also need to
remember I can rearrange my images and charts because I should place the
Florida's overall population closer to the top.

I wasn't really running out of space. I was like...hmmm I need to fill this
space and it seems like I filled it with crap.

People younger that 25 were not included in this percentage because it is
unlikely for them to have graduated with a bachelor's.

DAVID. You have helped me so much. Thank you for taking the time to write
me. I have submitted a request for this book through my company. I can't
wait to read it.

I'm going to force myself to do an infographic a week and I really think I
will see progress in my analytic and design skills in a few weeks/months.



Theophan Konstantinov

Hi Tatty,

You should establish some structure for the eye to go through. Now it's very hard to read. There is literally no white space (breathing room). You need better alignment too. You need the right kind of contrast - the one that makes reading easier. The yellow background doesn't work for me - I guess you shot for sunny, but it feels more like blinding and alarming. Try experimenting with tones and shades of your colors. I know this is a lot, but there is a lot to learn. I had a blast with this course (think it would help a lot) - 

Have fun and keep up the creative juices flowing!

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