Is it possible to test users on pressing specific keyboard keys?

Jul 02, 2019

I'm trying to design a test question that tests if users know how to highlight some text in Google Docs or MS Word, and delete it using either the Delete or Backspace key.

The Record Screen feature doesn't seem to record when I press the Backspace key. Is there a way to program this?

If not, is there another way to design this question? Thanks in advance all!

1 Reply
Ned Whiteley

Hi Henry,

There is an option in the Trigger wizard for "When user presses a key":


You could possibly make use of this and a variable to count how many times the backspace key, for example, is pressed. It might also be possible to set up a text input box with the incorrect text as the default value and the check that it was correctly edited by comparing the end result with the correct answer.

Not sure if these options would work for what you want, but hope it helps.

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