New adventure

Feb 11, 2013

Hello Articulate Community,

I wanted to let you know that I'm heading off on a new adventure. I'm going to help launch and manage a new medically integrated wellness facility right in my little town (where I've lived my whole life). I'm very passionate about health and wellness and love to help people in my community. So this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I just couldn't pass up! I'm thrilled and excited.

As you can imagine, I'm also very sad to leave Articulate and all of you. I'm so grateful that I had the chance to be part of such an extraordinary company, and get to know so many of you. A big thank you to everyone at Articulate (you've been so wonderfully supportive) and to every one of you in the community. You made these last several years so much fun! 

 I'm winding down my Articulate Community Manager role this week, but I'd love to connect with you on LinkedIn so we can keep in touch. Feel free to reach out.

Thank you for being such wonderful friends and colleagues!


58 Replies
Astrid Acase

I am sorry to hear you are moving on but for sure you are growing and ready for a change....

You are very kind and for sure we will all miss you!

Question for all of my Articulate community: I need lots of characters for free! Yes! laugh.... but this is the only thing that is so tough for me. I get characters here and there but as you may all know this is the tough part of designing your online courses...

Thank you !


Aarti Talwar

Jeanette, you will truly be missed in our community. When I started using Studio almost 6 months back, your tutorials, tips, and tricks quickly became my BFF and re-kindled my joy of learning new softwares and tools (which I'd missed with other tools on the market).

All the very best for your latest adventure, and we'd all love to hear more about the interesting stuff you're doing. Keep rocking!


Jeanette Brooks


Thanks so much for the sweet words and kind wishes. I too feel like I've made lasting friendships here, and I'll miss all the daily interactions with the community. I'll still pop into the forums now and again as time allows, so until our paths cross again, good on you and keep creating awesome e-learning!  ♥

Jeff Kortenbosch

OMG! I've been so busy the past week I haven't seen this message earlier. Jeanette, I wish you all the best in your new adventure. We've had some great time the past years and you've always been a great help. Thank you for everything you've shown, told and learned me.

You are the personification of the Articulate Superhero and I will miss you!

Brenda Heilman

Jeff Kortenbosch said:

Nancy Woinoski said:

Jeanette, Jeanette, Jeanette what will we do without you? I've been thinking about this and have come to the conclusion that you should stay. 

I think approx. 101.000+ people would agree

Yeah, totally.

BUT...doing what you love and are passionate about means a lot--especially when it's in your own home town!  I can relate to that.  Home towns breed loyalty!  Know you'll be MISSED, but ENJOY your new adventure!

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