Forum Discussion

TracyParish's avatar
Super Hero
5 years ago

Showing a FAIL in Absorb LMS when using Storyline

I had an issue where the results (score) of the quiz is passing through to Absorb fine, but the course stays "in progress" and never changes to FAIL so the learner clearly knows they are incomplete.  (Note: even though it clearly shows "you did not pass" in the storyline file, they were still missing it when they got back to the lms window).

Here's how to fix it:

Ensure when you publish your course to LMS that you choose the appropriate option (I use the 4th one, and Scorm 2004):

  • Complete/Incomplete: the lesson will either be marked as COMPLETE or IN PROGRESS
  • Pass/Incomplete: the lesson will either be marked as COMPLETE or IN PROGRESS
  • Complete/Fail: the lesson will either be marked as COMPLETE or FAILED
  • Pass/Fail:  the lesson will either be marked as COMPLETE or FAILED

Then in Absorb when you create your course you want to toggle on (under the COMPLETION tab/area) ALLOW FAILURE (you may want to turn on also allow re-enroll).

Also, where you add the Learning Object (the scorm file) you want to ensure LESSON CONTAINS ASSESSMENT is on, and that you have the MAXIMUM ATTEMPTS set to 1 or more.  Leave it blank and the course remains hanging in "in progress" and the learner does not get that clear visual of a FAIL in the lms.

NOTE: When I set the absorb course to allow the assessment 2 attempts, and the storyline course was published to allow the learner to resume - when I went in to try the test again, it asked if I wanted to resume, I clicked yes, and being at the end of the course from my previous failed attempted, it tracked this second one right away as another fail.  So I recommend you leave allow resume on within storyline, and set the absorb attempts at 1 with the option to allow re-enroll.

Here are some screen shots:

Allow failure on, allow re-enrollment on failure off (see note above about this)

Set assessment included ON, number attempts set to 1 or more (see note above)

What the learner sees when they start

What the learner sees after 1 attempt

What the learner sees after a FAILED attempt and ALLOW RE-ENROLL ON FAIL is turned ON.

  • Hey Tracy! Thanks for sharing this detailed info about the Absorb LMS. It's always nice to reference these posts when questions come up about specific learning management systems. 

  • JeffForrer's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Tracy, we are rolling out a new Absorb LMS so appreciate the insight here, very helpful!