5 Replies
Math Notermans

Looking at the console... only thing to find is this.

Yes, when you check the samples you recognize look and feel.

When you look at it closer...you will see its quite limited. IN5 with Indesign ( https://ajarproductions.com/pages/products/in5/showcase.php# ) gives you similar options, in my opinion better as you can customize it more.

Bianca Woods

Hi Emily. I can confirm it was made with the Turtl digital marketing tool that Math mentioned. It has some back-end functionality that's quite different from an e-learning tool, hence why we're using it for some ebook content. But from a front-end perspective, there's definitely interesting overlap with it and e-learning.

Out of curiosity, what aspects of the experience do you most wish you could replicate in Storyline but can't at the moment?