Forum Discussion

RachaelLundin-3's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Print slide and resizable text boxes

I have created a learning journal interaction for my learners.  At different points throughout the training, I ask them to answer prompts.  These prompts are then added to their journal on the last slide which they can print (Or save to PDF).  The challenge is that some people have a lot to say.  On the final side, I would like to make it so that the text resizes to fit the box, not the box resizing to fix the text.  Currently some users are getting a final document with the scroll feature printed, cutting off their entries.  

Now, this doesn't happen for me when I test it.  And I have tested it with lots of words.  Is there something I need to be checking?

Of interest, these same learners also report that the font on many of the buttons is too large, causing the scroll function to appear on the buttons.  Again, this isn't happening for me.  Maybe that is a clue?

Thank you in advance for your help in understanding the functionality.

  • Hi Rachael,

    Happy to look into this for you!

    It would be helpful to have a copy of your project file so we can also test the behavior on our end. I'd like to see how the text boxes will behave when we enter a lot of text in it, since you mentioned that the issue didn't happen for you. 

    Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!

  • Actually, I discovered my issue.  The learner had selected Accessible Text when they started the training.  I was able to see firsthand how that impacted the slides by toggling on and off Accessible Text.  With it on, random buttons had the scroll bar as did the slide I want the learners to save. I'm irritated by the buttons, but it is worth the unpredictability if it means increased accessibility.  The real issue was the slide that I'm asking learners to save. Here was my work around (open to further suggestions). 

    The slide I want them to save is only up for the time it takes to save (less than a second).  So I set up three triggers:

    1. Set accestext to value True if Player.AccessibleText = value True when timeline starts on this slide.

    2. Set Player.AccessibleText to value False when timeline starts on this slide 

    (note, the order of the above is very important)

    3.  Set Player.Accessible Text to value True when timeline ends on this slide if accestext = value true. 


    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Rachael!

      Glad to hear you were able to pinpoint and resolve the issue!

      It would be easier for the community to offer feedback on your design if we could reference the project you've built out so far. Would you be comfortable sharing a copy of your .story file here in the discussion?

      Looking forward to hearing from you!