Forum Discussion
Storyline 360 courses - audio not playing or very delayed in published output
Hi, I already submitted a case for this and support and although they have been able to duplicate the issue, they haven't been able to track down a solution yet so I'm hoping someone else is having this problem too:
On random slides the audio is either delayed or not playing at all after published and uploaded to LMS. It works perfectly fine in preview or if I view the published output locally. It just doesn't work when I test in my LMS (Saba). I've also tested in SCORM Cloud and it doesn't work there either.
I've tried everything from uninstalling SL360 and reinstalling, starting a new project and importing the old, re-coverting from Storyline 2 to 360. I even tried recreating the affected slides from scratch but the audio is still messed up on those certain slides. It only happens with SL360. If I keep the project in SL2 and republish it, it works fine.
I am a Mac user and operate SL using Parallels and Windows 7. I have my shared profile disabled, I operate locally on the windows side and followed all the suggested instructions when using SL with a Mac.
So basically, I'm stumped. Anyone out there experiencing anything similar? This issue has affected 2 separate courses that need to be updated asap so I'm sort of desperate here.
Oh, one more thing. If I add a seekbar to that slide and scrub either back or forth, it starts working immediately. And yes, I even tried adding a trigger to those slides to play audio when timeline starts. I also added the audio to a layer and triggered to play that layer when timeline starts and that doesn't work either. As you can see, I've been spending hours on this annoying issue.
- MeganTillesCommunity Member
I just took my SL360 source file, opened it using Storyline 3, published it and it works. This tells me it's a Storyline 360 issue. I'm wondering if a recent update is causing this to happen because I've never had this issue before.
Sorry to hear this issue is slowing you down, Megan! Smart idea to open a support case, and I see you've been working through this with Renato. Thanks for also providing a second file that has the same issue. This does seem buggy, but we'll continue to test your files to narrow down what's causing this to happen.
I'll follow along as your case progresses and share updates here!
- DebraGreeneCommunity Member
I opened a support case for this too with no resolve. I've tried everything as well. Updating Chrome, deleting temp files/cookies, adding a trigger to play media, etc.... Nothing works. It's starting to effect any new module I create.
- DebraGreeneCommunity Member
I struggled with this issue for months and as soon as I posted, I stumbled upon a solution that is working (for me at least!)
I typically have an introductory slide with legalese on it and no audio. When I add audio to the first slide, Chrome is picking up on it and adding a play button. I also add a trigger on the second slide to force the user to "click play" in case the other browsers need the user to initiate.
Checking in with you this morning, Megan, and I see that Renato reported the issue as a software bug. We'll keep you posted on any updates we receive. I really appreciate you bringing this to our attention, and I'm sorry for the headaches it has caused!
- MeganTillesCommunity Member
Thanks Alyssa, I'm hoping there's a resolution soon.
Also wondering if anyone else is having this issue? Is it possible that I'm the only one?
- MeganTillesCommunity Member
It looks like someone else had the same issue. Perhaps you can use the file he submitted in his support case to see if you can figure out the issue?
Hi Megan - I took a look at Lloyd's case referenced in that thread. Looks like our team was not able to replicate the issue and the user could not on his home network either. This indicated it could have been a network issue.
The user ended up adjusting his file as follows:
I have been testing having the videos play using triggers instead of automatically (Play Video: When Triggered > Play Media: When timeline starts) and that seems to have resolved all issues.
- MeganTillesCommunity Member
Thanks Leslie. I already tried that and it didn't work.
Thanks for the update Megan, it was worth a shot :)
- NinaSeilerCommunity Member
Is there a fix for this issue? I am experiencing the same problem. I contacted support yesterday, but did not receive a response.
- NinaSeilerCommunity Member
For me, it only seems to affect the first slide in each section and scene slides selected from the menu. I am assuming that this is happening when the user doesn't click the NEXT button. I also noticed that programming the PREVIOUS button to go to the previous slide in sequence causes this issue. I need to be able to program the previous buttons, however, as otherwise the user may get lost in my course...