Forum Discussion
Storyline 360 courses - audio not playing or very delayed in published output
Hi, I already submitted a case for this and support and although they have been able to duplicate the issue, they haven't been able to track down a solution yet so I'm hoping someone else is having this problem too:
On random slides the audio is either delayed or not playing at all after published and uploaded to LMS. It works perfectly fine in preview or if I view the published output locally. It just doesn't work when I test in my LMS (Saba). I've also tested in SCORM Cloud and it doesn't work there either.
I've tried everything from uninstalling SL360 and reinstalling, starting a new project and importing the old, re-coverting from Storyline 2 to 360. I even tried recreating the affected slides from scratch but the audio is still messed up on those certain slides. It only happens with SL360. If I keep the project in SL2 and republish it, it works fine.
I am a Mac user and operate SL using Parallels and Windows 7. I have my shared profile disabled, I operate locally on the windows side and followed all the suggested instructions when using SL with a Mac.
So basically, I'm stumped. Anyone out there experiencing anything similar? This issue has affected 2 separate courses that need to be updated asap so I'm sort of desperate here.
Oh, one more thing. If I add a seekbar to that slide and scrub either back or forth, it starts working immediately. And yes, I even tried adding a trigger to those slides to play audio when timeline starts. I also added the audio to a layer and triggered to play that layer when timeline starts and that doesn't work either. As you can see, I've been spending hours on this annoying issue.
- StephanieJon196Community Member
Was there any resolution to this issue? I'm still experiencing it today.
- JillianCanode-fCommunity Member
Thank you, Katie. A current working theory has to do with the compression rate of the audio.
Good morning, Jillian!
I appreciate you sharing the file for testing. I'll let you know what I find within the support case shortly!
- JillianCanode-fCommunity Member
Thank you, Katie - I will send the file over right away.
Storyline version: 3.35.21017.0
Viewing in Chrome
Hi, Jillian. Happy to investigate this audio issue!
First, smart call to test the course in SCORM Cloud. A few questions to help us look at our next steps:
- What version of Storyline are you using? You can find this detail by clicking on the Help tab, then About Storyline.
- What browser(s) are you using to view the published content?
- Would you mind sharing an affected slide or two for testing? I'll take a thorough look, and delete it after. You can send that .story file privately right here!
- JillianCanode-fCommunity Member
Hello - I am having a similar problem, but my audio will drop in the middle of a slide (file). It works in preview, but not in our LMS or Scorm Cloud. Help?
- MarkDowman-ffc8Community Member
I am experiencing this problem too.
I'm working on a simulation that has an alarm tone. As the user navigates the environment and interacts with panels, the tone plays (until the user manually silences them). Since the same tone is throughout the entire lesson, I put the audio file on the Master Slide's 'parent'. This way it can be triggered where ever I need it, and only have to maintain one instance of the audio file.
(the lesson contains proprietary content, so I can't share it)Odd playback from the published version. Audio drops out after certain pages are visited. Audio is not playing, even though the variable that triggers it is clearly 'true'.
We experienced this in IE and Chrome from our server, then I tried the local copy published on my hard drive. It worked fine. No playback issue. From this, I gather it is potentially a network lag issue.
The audio is a primary function in this lesson. The training is useless to the student if they can't actually hear it.Hi Mark,
Thanks for that detailed description. When you're testing out the published content, is the server a shared file storage/drive or a web server where it's hosted? I'd always recommend first publishing locally, and then moving to the shared server or uploading to a web server. Working off a network or shared drive is known to cause issues with how content behaves, and uploading to the intended publish environment will also be crucial for success.
If you need to host within your server, another option is to look at publishing for CD/local source as that may playback better than items published for Web/LMS.
Let us know if any of that helps!
Hi, Anne!
Sorry to hear you're experiencing audio issues. Let's see if we can spot a trend:
- What browser(s) are you using to view the published output?
- What LMS are you using?
- Does the audio drop on specific slides?
If you're able to share your LMS package with us for testing, that would be super! You can send it privately to us by using this link. We'll give it a test in another LMS environment, and will delete it after troubleshooting.
- AnneDeFeliceCommunity Member
Hi, I am also having an issue where audio sometimes drops out on slides after the course is published and upload to the LMS. The same slide runs fine when I preview it in Storyline.
- MassimoScali-42Community Member
Hi everybody, we're experiencing the same problem: when the course is published the audio doesn't play at all or it is delayed. If the slide contains several audio tracks sometimes the first is delayed and overlaps with the second one: a real mess! I add that we use only the html5 publishing (no Flash).
I can't conceal this is a huge problem and it's really disappointing. Please, we kindly ask you to fix it as soon as possible.
Hi Massimo,
Our team has seen a few different causes or setups that prevent the audio from playing back, and we're continuing to investigate. It would help to take a look at your files so that we can properly test and confirm the issue you're running into. Can you share a copy of your .story file with our Support Team?