Allow for Copy/Paste in Review Comments

Mar 09, 2022

Hi, in Review is there a way to allow for copy and paste from the text of the slide that is being reviewed into the Add a comment field? I have some subject matter experts that do not like to use Review because there are times where they want to reword parts or an entire sentence and they would need to retype the sentence as is into the comment field, and then type out the new sentence edits.

My team was able to find a workaround using the Import >> Translate method and then send the edits as a Word document, at which the copy and paste functionality would work for my subject matter experts. However, this is very tedious and the formatting doesn't come out ideal. 

Would it be possible to allow click and highlighting within the slide being reviewed to allow for copy and paste into the comment field, or something to that effect?

3 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Jonathan. 

Thank you for sharing how this feature would be beneficial to you. 

While not exactly what you're asking for, we have a feature request to allow reviewers to annotate directly on a screenshot of a course, which I believe could work for what your team needs.  

I will update this discussion if I have any news to share or if this request makes it to our feature roadmap. 

You're also welcome to submit a request for copying and pasting if that will be a better option.