Articulate Review and Rise -- Annotated comments are needed for blocks.

May 03, 2018

Developing a 7-lesson course and it is difficult to attach comments to a specific block within Review. For example, if you have a lesson with 7-10 blocks and you comment, you have to provide context in each content, for example: "In paragraph 7, line 3, change the word X to Y".

It would be great if it would allow us to attach reviews to blocks, or, go even deeper to specific words--like in Word, PDF's or PPTs.


40 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hey James, thanks for the candid feedback. Our product team is always keen to hear about customer needs, so I can certainly pass along your suggestion. And feel free to share any other ideas you have here.

As an alternative, I've attached annotated screenshots to my comments in review.  Here's what that looks like:

Hopefully that's a helpful workaround for getting specific about needed edits.

Alyssa Gomez

Hey folks! I wanted to clarify how commenting works on Rise Blocks lessons.

When you leave a comment about a particular block, the screenshot of that block will appear next to the comment in the Feedback tab. This 1-minute video explains exactly how it works.

Let me know if that's what you had in mind, or if you're looking for something else!

Brian Waters

I am finding the automatic screen-shotting of the relevant Rise block doesn't always sufficiently identify to me as the ID exactly where the problem is. For example from the poster's own example above in a 7 lesson course particularly in Rise where everything looks and feels very "samey" it isn't always possible for the ID to say oh,... yes that's the 3rd lesson seventh block.  Instead I have to scour through the whole course for what has been screenshotted,... not always an easy or quick task. The current task I have had reviewed using Review, has a number of comments which are easy to find some which are hgoing to take me a while to find. What I am ultimately looking for would be (probably impossible) a link for me as the ID (only) to go there to that exact spot in the course, or at the very least some other way of identifying the exact position of the "error".  (Asking the reviewer(s) to record the section name in their feedback springs to mind but that's not going to give me consistent results...)

Brian Waters

Hey Alyssa, thanks for the quick demo. In your example your screenshots are both IMAGES which are easily and visibly identifiable, and you are unlikely to have more than one instance of the same image in a 7 lesson course.... my instance is much more like the attached. Text based..... and looks like all pages of the whole course.... much harder to find the exact spot unless there are direct links to it. (However I have just noticed that I can sort my feedbacks by "LESSON" and this helps me to find out which Lesson the feedback is in, so I think I am sorted now.

Martin Dean

I have the same issues.  My clients were not at all happy with the Review tool in Rise and asked for a full transcript of the modules (2 lots ot 6 so far) so they can mark these up.

So, I exported my Rise projects as PDFs, then converted these to .docx files and posted these using OneDrive to collect and collate feedback... Or at least, that was my plan.

The problem with this is that so far, only one of my exported PDFs are able to be converted to Word format.  The PDFs are crashing Word in Windows and on Mac.

I realise I could use the PDF annotation tools, but my client is more familiar with marking up in Word and are unlikely to change.

Does anyone have any suggestions please?

Melissa Burns

I would like to add to this discussion.  It is very difficult to get granularity in comments in Review 360 to the degree that my stakeholders require.  (Complex Policies and Regulations).  They want to get down to the word specific.  It is very time consuming to have to say things like "on the third bullet change the second word to X", etc.  Everyone is very familiar with the track changes features on Word and the very specific comment bubbles in PowerPoint that can be moved around on the screen to the exact place being discussed.  Providing feedback is never as high level as "change the image".  

Martin Dean

I am still struggling with this issue.  I am now back to sending Word docs of the text so the client can mark these up and track changes!

Very inconvenient and inefficient.  It makes us look unprofessional to clients.

 If the reviewer could drop markers on the screenshot which were tied to numbered comments, then that would help.

Nicola Fern

I am also finding this painful.   There are web site review tools out there that allow you to select the part of the screen you are commenting on...for me linking to the right block is pretty essential.  I have a lot of images in my courses, and they tend to be radiological images (CT scan images for example) - which look very much the same to me because I'm not a radiologist! Identifying which section the image is from can take ages.

Martin Dean

I am re-responding to this!

We have clients who require us to produce Word documents that they can use to proof Rise (and some SL) projects.

Because of the difficulty in communicating which block, image and text requires change, our amendment workflow is seriously extended.

The Review tool needs a ‘sketch’ feature so users can annotate images, or at least mark them to align with comments. Likewise, text needs to be able to be highlighted for comments. Simply having a ‘thread’ means endless time is spent trying to explain what the changes are.

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Cathy Gregory

Any updates?  This is critical and a significant enough problem that our team is testing building content first in google docs just to be able to support the review cycle.  Trying to describe a location of text in the middle of a block (2nd sentence of 2nd paragraph, the 3rd word on 4th line ..., ), or 4th step of process, etc. it's unwieldy as it is and SMEs/reviewers complain.  They want to be able to pinpoint a location / highlight what they are commenting on like in so many other tools out there.

Martin dean

I fully agree. The Review Tool is way behind where it needs to be for today’s market.

The distinct lack of almost ANY real progress on the thousands of user suggestions for new functionality across the portfolio, casts Articulate in a very poor light and I am extremely disappointed in the company.

It is high time that Articulate convene a Developer conference and is honest enough to admit to its failings and share a meaningful roadmap with us, its customers.

Sent from my iPhone

Jennifer Goulet

Adding to this discussion because this is also a significant issue for my team. The inability to be more specific about what the comment is related to is incredibly painful and downright risky in our highly regulated industry when I struggle sometimes to figure out what part of a lesson a reviewer is commenting on. The fact that this is a feature update that's been on your radar for years now with no movement on it is disconcerting.