Articulate Review Font issues in IE vs. Chrome

Aug 28, 2017


I published a Storyline course to Articulate 360 for review. I noticed that when the course is reviewed in IE11 the font changes to Times New Roman. When the course is opened in Chrome the font stays the same (Arial).

When I publish the course as a standalone, .zip, course, and view it on our LMS it works fine in IE11.

Is there a fix for this or a setting I need to know about?

Published format is HTML5 with Flash fallback. 

39 Replies
Jamila Breese

I'm following up on these threads to ask if there is a known fix (for IE11 browsers), using either Storyline 360 or Storyline 3? We are keenly interested in learning whether we could recommend publishing directly to HTML5 (only, not Flash with HTML5 fallback) for content, and our organization uses IE11 as the default browser for all users. (One of the earlier threads from Articulate Staff back in April 2018 indicated there was a fix for the issue coming very soon.)

Thank you.

Brad King

Is there any update on this issue?  Our Storyline 360 team is all currently using Build 3.18.16449.0 from August 2, 2018.

What we are seeing is that courses viewed in IE11 and Chrome play just fine through our LMS, internal links or local playback.  However, when launching the same publish in Articulate Review using IE11 the fonts revert to a serif type font with missing characters.  We are publishing content using HTML5 with Flash fallback.  This same contents playback in Articulate Review using Chrome is fine.

Again, this is only happening within Articulate Review using IE11.  Courses are working fine in IE11 outside of Articulate Review.

For now our only workaround is to be very clear with customers when sending an Articulate Review link that they must use Chrome to review the course.  As this works for the time being, IE11 is our company approved browser and not all users have Chrome which sometimes causes issues during our customer reviews.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Bradley,

Sorry that's happening! I'm sure you want to showcase professional work and for your clients to have a consistent experience across all web browsers.

It may be that your client needs to add Articulate Review as a trusted site in Internet Explorer. Share these steps with your client, and let me know if that makes a difference. Keep me posted!

Thomas Preskett

Hi Alyssa,

Although this wasn't intended for me I have the same issue.  I use the review feature to share draft courses with colleagues and the font always looks weird on IE which is our company standard browser.

I am unable to enable the font download as it is blocked by my company but I can add articulate as a trusted site.  When I restart IE, the font still doesn't displayed correctly.


Crystal Horn

Thanks, Thomas, for following up here.  This issue has been on our radar for awhile, and I'm sorry that the workarounds are not viable solutions for you.

I'm going to meet with my team again and see if I can get an update about how IE is handling our font output.  I'll update this discussion as soon as I can!

Brad King


I do not believe Articulate has done anything that addresses this issue. However, I was able to resolve issue by ensuring Articulate Review was included in Trusted Sites and enabling Font Downloads within IE.  

We've done testing with various users and have since not had any issues with fonts in Articulate Review using either Chrome or IE.

You may need to contact IT to enable these features if you are locked down by a corporate policy.

Peter Gallup

The fact that this has been a known issue now for years and Articulate has not resolved it, has me scratching my head.  Users cannot simply go in and enable web fonts or make a site "Trusted", these are IT permissions.  When talking about a global company with thousands of employees, it's not an easy ask for these things to be adjusted.

Kelly Helmers

Alyssa I have to agree with Peter and Tom, your suggested fix is difficult when supporting a global client. When selecting software I did not consider the ability to lock down my font from browser type on my list, as I would have expected that to be an included feature that allows a seamless transition between browsers. I hope that Articulate reconsiders this as a bug and finds a better solution. 

Evon Stanley

Hi! Looks like this issue has not been resolved even after two years. My client is seeing the Arial font into Times New Roman, and that too with a mix of upper and lower casing - in IE only.
My source file was in Modern text (default for latest Design settings). 
When published, the learners will view the course in the browser of their preference. So, what fix can be applied for those who view the course with IE? 

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