Hide resolved comments from old version

Oct 08, 2021

I uploaded a project to Review 360 for stakeholder review, then uploaded a new version (with stakeholder changes) for the SMEs to review -- which leaves me with 2 versions. 

When going through the resolved comments, I noticed that comments from both versions are jumbled together. So I wanted to know if there is a way to hide resolved comments from the first version so I can focus on resolved comments for the second (current) version. 

1 Reply
Lauren Connelly

Hello Valerie!

I'm happy to help! You have two options here.

First, you can hide the previous version of the course, which will also hide the previous comments. Or you can make resolved comments disappear by clicking the ellipsis (…) menu in the upper right corner and select Hide Resolved Comments.

Let me know which works best for you!