Review 360 not playing audio

Aug 18, 2021

I have seen this problem a handful of times in the community but no solutions have been posted. 

I uploaded multiple SL 360 files to Review and a few of them are not playing audio. The audio works fine in the Preview mode. It will only play if I click on the slide or the CC icon. I have tested in both Chrome and Edge with the same results. 

15 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for reaching out! You mentioned the audio will only play if you click on the slide or the CC button.

To clarify, are you expecting the audio to play automatically, and instead are running into a large play button appearing on the first slide? If so, that is expected behavior for certain browsers, and this article below shares more:

If the issue is not related to browser autoplay restrictions, please share your file with our support team, and they can lend a hand in figuring out what's happening behind the scenes!

Rebecca Roehm

No, that is not the problem.

  • The audio is supposed to play without any prompts, cues, or clicks. 
  • Audio starts on the third slide, not first.
  • I created 15 elearnings. All were uploaded to Review, only 3 are not playing the audio unless I click on the CC icon or anywhere on the slide.
  • All work fine in Preview mode. It is only in Review that I am running into the problem.
  • I have tested on Chrome and Edge. Both have the same problem.

I see other people have had this problem before but there is never any follow up on what the cause is or what the solutions are to fix it. 

Lauren Connelly

Hello Rebecca!

Thank you for adding those additional details! It would be helpful to take a look at the course to see what is getting in the way. I've opened a case on your behalf with our Support Engineers so we can work with you directly. You should've received an email confirmation which includes an upload link. If you can upload your .story file to our team and include the Review link, they should be able to find the fix quickly.

Yuyen Chang

Does anyone have any updates on this? I was just informed by some reviewers of the course I'm working on, that they "can't get audio to work" mostly on Chrome. A couple of them are still struggling with this using MS Edge. I'd like to point them to the most relevant support resources if possible. Thank you!

Becca Levan

Thanks for reaching out, Yuyen!

Happy to dig into this with you — I'd like to gather more clues so I understand your course setup:

If the issue is not related to browser autoplay restrictions, could you share your file with our support team, so they can help troubleshoot? They'll reach out shortly after hearing from you!

Dave Harlander

I'm also experiencing this problem. The slides in my Storyline 360 project are set to auto-advance without any interaction and have text-to-speech voiceover. When I review the project in Storyline, the slides function as expected. When I publish the project to Review 360, however, I cannot hear the voiceover on the 2nd slide.

To hear the voiceover, I have to click the <PREV button on the player to return to the title slide (which has no audio) and then click the NEXT> button to return to the 2nd slide.

This problem occurs only on the 2nd slide and only when I'm auto-advanced to the slide after launching the review. Subsequent slides have voiceover, but don't have that problem.

It occurs in both Chrome and MS Edge. I've attached the Storyline file.

Jose Tansengco

Hi Dave,

Thanks for reaching out! 

Most Chromium based browsers now prevent media files from automatically playing until a person has interacted with the web page. You can check out the official developer post from Google for this policy here

You'll need to add an interaction on your course, such as a play button on the first slide, to ensure that the audio file in your second slide will automatically play when the timeline starts. 

Let me know if this works for you!

Luciana Piazza

Hi Dave!

Glad to hear my colleague Joe was able to assist you!

I just wanted to add a quick note: it looks like your signature came through when you replied via email. You can remove it by clicking ‘Edit’ below your response. Here’s a quick Peek 360 video if you need help.

Have a great afternoon! 

Landon Ayers
Joe Tansengco

Hi Dave,

Thanks for reaching out! 

Most Chromium based browsers now prevent media files from automatically playing until a person has interacted with the web page. You can check out the official developer post from Google for this policy here

You'll need to add an interaction on your course, such as a play button on the first slide, to ensure that the audio file in your second slide will automatically play when the timeline starts. 

Let me know if this works for you!

This answer needs to be communicated to others.  This has fixed my issue. 

Danae Swinburne


Encountering this issue for the first time. Been using Chrome to review my courses with no issues for 18 months now and today - no sound on any of my courses. Is there something that has changed recently? I have both updated the browser and Storyline and no change. 

I have tried the trigger to make the audio play. I have tried the button to make the audio play and no luck yet in getting this to work. Further, If I have sound from another tab, when I open Review it kills the sound from my other tabs and I can longer get sound from any tab! This seems like a very specific bug. Please help!

M 5

Hi Team,

I am facing a similar issue with my module. This file has more than 200 slides, and we have used lots of 2D graphics, videos, illustrations, and so on. When I publish this Storyline file as a review link, there are audio glitches in some places (e.g., overlapping audio, missing audio). However, in the Storyline file, everything is fine while previewing.

Kindly provide me with some solutions.

Thank you.