Audio support for quiz

Apr 13, 2018

I would like to suggest audio support for Rise quizzes. I am developing courses for a music learning website, and the ability to add audio to both the question and the answers would be valuable. I know I can add a Storyline block to accomplish this, but the built-in functionality in Rise would be great. 

49 Replies
ID 1
English360 Courses Online

We desperately need audio files for the quiz part. Could you please give us a timeline?


Have you tried to insert audio as an embedded element? I combined audio files hosted in Google Drive and then this bit that I adapted:

<iframe width="100%" height="150" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="***************************/preview"></iframe>

A little bit as it is explained here:

It is important, though (as it says in the article) that the sharing permission is set to “Anyone on the Internet can find and view”.
Not the ideal solution, but it will let you have audio in a quiz.