Combining pre-built lessons and blocks in Rise

May 04, 2018

Good morning.

I am rather new at using Rise and have just started developing my first course. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is a way to combine the pre-built lessons (such as the labeled graphic) and the blocks (such as a button) in the same lesson?

If not, is this something that could be made possible Articulate? The blocks are a great tool, but I think the ability to combine them with the pre-built lessons could make for even more effective lessons :-)

13 Replies
Ian Martin

This was very powerful and saved me big time! Thanks, Denis plus all the other contributors. I didn't think this was possible. I've now combined sections from multiple blocks all through creating templates plus merging short blocks to make one block. In the 'old days', a year ago I'd recreate the content from the beginning!

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