Disable/hide the completion status in Rise

Nov 14, 2017

hi, i am using Rise as a performance support portal for FAQs, videos, announcements etc? therefore i do not need the completion status displayed.

Is there a way to turn it off? thanks


46 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi John/Jennifer!

I wanted to let you both know that you can now customize the sidebar's visibility in Rise (no more progress bar)! Check out Adam's post here for additional information as well as a quick video.

Thanks again for voicing your thoughts! As always – let us know if you have any other suggestions either here or via our product feature request form!

Jennifer McCarthy

Hi Articulate Rise

What would be a great feature would be to have the side menu bar visible but to have the option to disable the checkmark completion feature. We think there is potential to use Rise to create just-in-time training where learners could search for the topic they are interested in. I know we can make the navigation free so you can navigate anywhere within the RISE course. The checkmarks and the completion status aren't relevant in those situations.

Just an idea -

Katie Riggio

Hi Jennifer, 

Thanks for voicing your idea, and I'll make sure our product team sees this! I've submitted the ability to disable the checkmarks in the sidebar menu feature request on your behalf, so you will receive an email confirmation about it shortly!

P.s. Replying via email will include your signature, but you can easily edit out your contact information from your post if you'd like! Here's a quick Peek how.

Aaron Weislogel

Any updates on disabling the progress bar and completion percentage? A lot of what we are using Rise for are self-driven courses and some only come to grab the info they need -on-demand. Having a bar tell them they have more to do (when it's not a linear end-to-end training piece) confuses them. Thanks!

Barb Skonieczki

Having the ability to disable the checkmarks is critical to avoid confusing learners.  When we publish our project to the LMS, the checkmarks and completion status only apply to the active session.  Our learners move in and out of the course as they have time to complete it and are frustrated when they return to the course and the checkmarks have disappeared and the completion status is 0%.  This results in increased calls and inquiries to our LMS team.  The only fix we have come up with is to insert a message on the course visual to alert the learners to the fact that once they exit, the completion status and check marks won't be saved.    

Allison LaMotte

Hi Barb,

While the checkmarks don't remain active when learners revist the course, the completion status should be saved. 

If the completion status isn't being saved on your LMS, I would try uploading your course to SCORM Cloud to see if you experience the same behavior.

That's what we generally recommend doing to determine whether the problem stems from the course or the LMS. Here's an article that walks you through how to do that.

If it works correctly on SCORM Cloud, then the problem is coming from the LMS and you'll need to talk to your provider.

If you see the same issue on SCORM Cloud, then the problem is likely coming from the course itself. If that's the case, please reach out to our support team.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!