Exit Course button in Rise absent in LMS publish

May 14, 2024

The last two Rise courses I have published — a standard course two weeks ago and a microlearning course today — are missing the Exit Course button/link. I have tested with both SCORM 2004 and 1.2, and have tested off my desktop, on SCORM Cloud, and on Moodle. Our client has tested on their Cornerstone LMS. In all cases the Exit Button is absent.

I have attached the publish settings to show that the Exit Course button is enabled.

6 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share that we are tracking a known issue that causes the exit course button to disappear when a Rise 360 course uses compact navigation. I've added this post to the bug report so we can notify everyone subscribed here as soon as a fix is released. 

In the meantime, the available workaround is to switch your course's navigation to use Sidebar or Overlay navigations, if this is an option.