Learning Journal In Rise

Dec 05, 2018


Firstly, Articulate recently implemented a small update to Rise. As a result, all new exports from Rise will need to include the most recent version of LearningJournal.js which is found at the usual link.

Secondly, at any time Articulate could update their code and bring a breaking change to the Learning Journal. Over a year ago, I shared this functionality freely with the community and the code comes with no warranty or support either implied or expressed. If at any time you want or need to remove the Learning Journal from your modules, simple remove any STATEMENT-NOTE entries that refer to the Learning Journal.

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I built a cool Learning Journal feature for Rise that has been very well-received. I thought I'd share it in case anyone wanted to a. use it or b. improve on it.


The Learning Journal allows the learner to enter text responses to journal prompts throughout a Rise course. At the end of the course, the learner can print their learning journal of all their responses. The responses are saved to the browser so that they persist on future visits to the Rise course.


EDIT May 2019: At the request of a member of the forum, I created a HOW-TO video below that shows each step of the HOW-TO document in action.


Example Rise Course

HOW-TO Document

HOW-TO Video


Learningjournal.js file (right-click and save)


Learningjournal.css file (right-click and save)

Project github site

I would love any feedback and help to improve the functionality and code.

Mike Amelang

281 Replies
John Cooper

Hi Manon

My earlier post in this thread has kind of got lost in the general discussion but our demo here does exactly what you are looking for (I thiink).

The point being that it collects the learner notes and responses - stores them in local browser storage then uses JavaScript to 'fill out' a preformatted pdf form. So the form could contain a handout summarizing the course content AND the learner's own notes/responses.

Once the pdf file has been created it is offered for download - but, obviously, it could be viewed before the learner did that. You could probably open it in a new window within the course.



I should emphasize, the pdf file can contain anything you want to put in it - and it can be over as many pages as you like. We use this quite a bit in client projects.

I should, perhaps, also add that unlike another solution using Storyline posted here - you can collect the user responses from several points in the course.

Manon Bonaventure

Hi John,

Thanks a lot for your quick answer!

I am not sure if what you shared is possible with this process : HOW-TO Document

Since it did not include Storyline block ? Indeed the link you just shared is mentioning Storyline block, which I did not include.

Sorry if you already explained it...


John Cooper

Hi Manon

You are absolutely correct, our solution is a completely different approach to Mike's original one. As I explained in an earlier post

"There are actually three different approaches in this thread. There's Mike's original approach in which you create Blocks in RISE of type "Note" and then his code extracts these notes and stores them in local browser storage ready for printing at the end of the course

Then there's Teresa's example where she uses Storyline blocks and JavaScript to capture the notes within the block and then constructs a screen with the notes on for printing - but this approach doesn't store the notes beyond the Storyline block in which they are captured.

And then there's my approach which again uses Storyline blocks to capture notes at different points in the RISE course, then stores each note to local browser storage ready for a final Storyline block to read all the notes from the local storage and output them to a pdf for downloading and/or printing at the end of the course."

Obviously, if you haven't got Storyline, then My approach isn't an option. I was just pointing out that it does do what you want...

Best regards, John


Eva Hadjiyanis

Hi all. I've been using this technique for two years and haven't had a problem, until now. I went in to change on thing in a course and now it won't work. Did rise change something? I am positive that I am doing it the same way that I always do. The only difference I can find between the new and old zip files is a folder called mondrian, which as far as I can tell never existed before. Any ideas?

Jeremy Crowson

Hey Eva,

we are also experiencing issues all of a sudden and trying to determine what has happened. Our existing published assets that include the learning journal function properly however, we are unsuccessful with any newly published courses with the learning journal using the same technique we have for the last few years too are not working. No answer to the issue but wanted to join the party to see what the fix is and determine if this is wider than just us. Anyone else having issues with the learner journal function recently?

Mike Amelang

Hello E-Learning Heroes,

I don’t follow this conversation, but an Articulate Rise user DMed me, pointing out that Articulate may have deployed a change which has caused the Learning Journal to not function. This has happened in the past and is not unexpected. Unfortunately, I will not be able to investigate a fix.

If Articulate has indeed made a change, a fix to the Learning Journal could very well be small. It was a small fix last time. I would recommend involving a jQuery contractor to take a look at the code and implement a fix. From the beginning, I’ve made the code available for others to update and build upon at GitHub here.

You could also reach out to Articulate themselves to see if they would be willing to partner on working toward a solution. Last time, they were not—but that was years ago. If Articulate shared what the change was, the work of the jQuery contractor would be facilitated, since becoming familiar with Rise’s output would be half their task.

I also see in this thread that there are alternate approaches that other people such as John Cooper have implemented which may be more regularly maintained. Perhaps John himself could implement the fix!

Hopefully, Articulate recognizes the demand for this functionality and officially implements it soon. You’ve all shown that the demand is there.

Eva Hadjiyanis

My friend was able to fix this issue. It turns out that RISE just changed the language so everywhere where it said "block-impact" now it uses the term "block-statement." So if you change out all mentions of a “block-impact”-related class in Learningjournal.js and Learningjournal.css for an equivalent “block-statement”-related class, it works again. 

Eva Hadjiyanis

My friend was able to fix this issue. It turns out that RISE just changed the language so everywhere where it said "block-impact" now it uses the term "block-statement." So if you change out all mentions of a “block-impact”-related class in Learningjournal.js and Learningjournal.css for an equivalent “block-statement”-related class, it works again. 

Jeremy Crowson

Thank you all for what you shared. Special shout out to Eva Hadjiyanis and your friend for the actual language fix. We can confirm that this fix does in fact work. The attached files are updated with the latest fix replacing instances of block-impact with block-statement. In case this helps anyone else currently using this version of the learning journal.

Mike Amelang

Thank you Eva and Jeremy for your work in updating the Learning Journal to Articulate's most recent changes.  Unfortunately, the files shared above include customizations that will break other users' implementations.

I've implemented only the generic fixes that Eva recommended and have created test files here. I don't have a way to easily test these files. Can the community test these files? If they are approved then I will update the files that are downloaded via the links at the top of this thread.

Thank you.

