Remove character in dialogue screens - Rise 360 scenario block?

Jul 02, 2020

Is there any way to remove the character in the dialogue screens of a Rise 360 scenario block? There is a tick box for text screens to 'hide character', but not an option in dialogue screens. I'm wondering if there are any tricks that can be done so it doesn't add the character. I once read you can create your own character which sounded complex. But is there an option to insert an invisible character or way to hack that in to the Rise block without resorting to a custom Storyline block?

p.s. the reason I ask is I want to create an interview with a child and just use the background image to show the child's hands; no reactions or anything needed, just the dialogue.

38 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Alexis,

I don't know why there is a  check box for text screens to Hide Character, but not for dialogue screens. Odd.

As you can't upload your own character in Rise, it seems the only way to do this is by editing the HTML export. Once you go down that road, you have to make these manual edits each time you export the course.

Sanne Wilbrink

?Hi Alyssa (or someone else that reads this reply),

Thank you for your response. I would love the possibility that I can hide a character in the scenario block. Hiding a character now seems only to be possible when I choose text, not when I choose dialogue.

Hope it is more clear now and hope my wish will come true!

Have a nice day!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Sanne van der Scheur - Wilbrink
Junior Onderwijskundige

Postbus 1255, 3800 BG Amersfoort
Wijersstraat 1, 3811 MZ Amersfoort
T +31 6 11 32 15 08

Matobo Learning


Alternative suggestion - also allow us to upload our own PNG images (with alpha cut out/key). The scenario block is a nice "trigger" tool, and we have various ways we'd like to use it, but the inability to remove the preset character throughout puts it out of reach for us at the mo.

You've obviously done a lot of good work to create a set of characters and moods, but this final hurdle is a "close, but no cigar" for us :-).


Luke Coster

Hi Alyssa,

I would also like to see an option to completely remove characters. The characters are not appropriate to the content I am working with, and similarly to the original post, this would make the most sense with an image in the background, rather than a character speaking directly to the learner. 
Please let me know if this is an option.
Thank you

Jenn Ciarvella


If you're in a pinch and need a solution immediately, there's a workaround I've used: create a custom character that's invisible (100% transparency is what I use) and that character for every spot in the scenario where a character would appear.

You'll still see the background, but no character will appear to the learner.

Good luck!