Rise 360 doesn't put the mastery score in imsmanifest.xml

May 17, 2019

I have a question about the absence of the <adlcp:masteryscore> element in the imsmanifest.xml file for Rise.

In Rise 360, if I export a package and select the Tracking option, "Track using quiz result," I am able to choose a Reporting option such as Passed/Failed. In Rise, this publishing choice will not add the <adlcp:masteryscore> line to the imsmanifest.xml file.

However, if I use Storyline 360 or Presenter 360 to select similar publishing options, they do indeed add the <adlcp:masteryscore> line to the imsmanifest.xml file.

For Rise content, this is problematic for us when we upload content to our LMS. Our LMS reads the <adlcp:masteryscore> line in the imsmanifest.xml file and uses it to determine automatic completion and scoring behavior.

Is there any way that the imsmanifest.xml file in Rise 360 packages could be expanded to include the <adlcp:masteryscore> in the event that passing or failing is an option? This would help to align it with the way that other Articulate products perform.

16 Replies
Allison LaMotte

Hi Nathan,

Unfortunately, that's not going to be possible because Rise 360 doesn't use `MasteryScore` to communicate the passing score. 

Did you try uploading your course to SCORM Cloud to see if you experience the same behavior?

That's what we generally recommend doing to determine whether the problem stems from the course or the LMS. Here's an article that walks you through how to do that.

If it works correctly on SCORM Cloud, then the problem is coming from the LMS and you'll need to talk to your provider.

If you see the same issue on SCORM Cloud, then the problem is likely coming from the course itself. If that's the case, please reach out to our support team.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

Dave Perry

We have just seen this, trying a Rise package in our own SCORM player (someone else's code, but hardened). We have a script which unpacks the SCORMs into a hidden folder on the server, and have had to add error trapping code to the unpack routing to deal with the lack of masteryscore being defined. Assuming you're actually keeping to SCORM 1.2 specifications, how on earth else DOES a rise-authored package pass data back including the ability to tell whether a user has passed that attempt or not?

Dave Perry

Thanks. Really we need an engineer familiar with the SCORM protocol to chime in here - your colleague asking the OP to check their exported package in SCORM Cloud suggests there is some degree of standards-based behaviour, but this isn't one we have seen so need to get it implemented.

Angie Elliott

This is still a really big issue for us. We have content developers using quizzes inside Rise files and that mastery score is not being passed to our LMS (Oracle Learning Cloud.) It's causing a host of issues where learners are not able to pass the course even though they have successfully completed it and the quiz inside.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi there, Angie. Some LMS's won't receive completion data unless you include an Exit Course link inside your Rise 360 course. Crystal shared more detail about that in her post here.

There are two ways you can add Exit Course functionality to your course:

  1. Add a button block, and set the button destination to "Exit Course."
  2. Publish the course for LMS, and on the publishing screen, toggle the "Exit Course" link to ON.

Test the course again in Oracle Learning Cloud, and let me know if the completion data is communicated correctly!

Nathan Leavitt

Here's how to manually add the required line:

  1. Open the "imsmanifest.xml" file with notepad, NOT wordpad and NOT Word.
  2. Search for a block of text that looks something like this, and manually insert the boldface line:
    <organizations default="Your course title">
    <organization identifier="Your_course_title_ID">
    <title>PPSP Obstetric Hemorrhage</title>
    <item identifier="Your_content_title_SCO" isvisible="true" identifierref="__5Vmc4DicETr_course_id_RES">
    <title>Your content title</title>
  3. In this example, our passing score is 80. You should put whichever number you want but it should be JUST THE NUMBER AND NOTHING MORE.
  4. Save the altered imsmanifest.xml file

Re-zip the files. To do this on a PC: In your file folder, select the imsmanifest.xml file and all the other files, then right-click on them and select Send to..., then Compressed (zipped) folder. WARNING: you MUST select the individual files and compress them; you must not go to the parent folder and zip the parent folder because it will cause errors on most LMSs when you upload the zip.

Good luck!

Angie Elliott


Just adding the block button and the Exit Course link did not get the course completion to crossover to Oracle Learning Cloud. I could not upload the course to www.scormcloud.com as the size of the course was too big and I am using a free account.

However, @Nathan Leavitt's comment and instructions were helpful. I applied the line of code to the imsmanifest.xml file and it the course completion based on passing the quiz did finally result in a completion in Oracle Learning Cloud.

While this works for courses that have a quiz or knowledge check embedded in them, my next step will be to test courses that do not have a quiz.

Renz Sevilla

Hi Angie! Thanks for letting us know! 

Glad to hear Nathan's workaround helped you out in this case. 

Please let us know how your test goes without a quiz in the course. If you need help with testing on SCORM Cloud, our support engineers will be happy to assist! You can send a copy of your course to us privately here.

Angie Elliott

Thanks, @Nathan!

Does anyone know if this is the same code you would enter if the SCORM output was SCORM 2004 and if the line of code goes in the same location (after the title code line) or before the </item> code line? The SCORM 2004 imsmanifest file has a lot of extra lines of code between the two. Or perhaps the code is different if it's a SCORM 2004 output?

Nathan Leavitt

My belief is that it is the same for SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 but I'm not certain. Here's my thinking:

The change that I recommended above is made to the imsmanifest.xml file, which is for the LMS, not for the SCORM API. The manifest file is XML script, which is completely different than the JavaScript code that controls SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. 

I would bet a decent sum of money that the manifest change will work for SCORM 2004, but I wouldn't bet a ton of money - if that helps!

icskills learning

+1 Rise 360 is missing the mastery score xml entry - this causes havoc as you cant expect LMS admins who upload zip files to manually edit them first.. or to have to configure all the options to re-enable scoring in the LMS because the xml parser could not do the job as rise 360 has omitted a key line.. - This needs fixing at rise360 export level not in the LMS's

Laura Robinson

I realise this is an old thread but hoping someone may reply - my L&D team are using Rise and the imsmanifest still does not include any masteryscore code, so I have added this in using the steps shared by Nathan above. However, there was already this line in the imsmanifest:


I deleted this line and replaced it with: <adlcp:masteryscore>80</adlcp:masteryscore>

Then rezipped using the correct level of folders.

The good news is that this now shows a mastery score once loaded into our LMS, the bad news is that the module will now not load once opened:Rise error message

ADA Egret

Hi there!

I would suggest against deleting the <adlcp:dataFromLMS> tag since that functionality is not related to scoring. Deleting that element may cause Rise to misbehave with other behaviors (such as the Reset Learner Progress functionality).

Interestingly enough, the SCORM documentation itself says that course content doesn't need to include the masteryscore in the manifest document (https://lms.technology/for/scorm/1.2/standards/SCORM_1.2_RunTimeEnv.pdf#page=32).

I suspect since Rise is driving the completion instead of the LMS, this is why Rise doesn't use the masteryscore in the manifest. I'm curious to hear what happens in your LMS when masteryscore isn't included though! Is completion not being shown by the LMS? Or is there some other strange artifact?