Rise - adding popup text box

Feb 06, 2018

Is there a feature in Rise to add a popup text box? I would like the ability to click on text to provide further information to users. Does Rise have that capability? 

106 Replies
Ethan Cayko

I am currently testing Rise and the rest of the Articulate 360 products to potentially use them at my organization and the lack of this particular feature is disappointing. We regularly include vocabulary terms in the text content of a lesson and having the ability to tap that term to see a definition pop up (and then tap anywhere else on the screen to close it) is a high priority. Seeing this as a potential feature addition to Rise would be a major selling point for us.

Carolyn Siccama

+1 for me, too.  Looking back over the comments from the past few years, wondering if this feature has been added yet and/or a nice, easy work around identified?

This would provide a beneficial way for learners to get more information/definitions of key terms in context without having to navigate elsewhere to look up a specific word/term.

thank you.

Evelien Schilder

+1 for me as well! This would really be a great addition from an educational perspective. People who already know the term can ignore the pop up and the ones who do not can click on it.

Right now I have to define each term, which may bore some of the more advanced learners. Would really love for this feature to be added to the roadmap! :)

Emee Ermel

+1 for me...just received multiple requests on this functionality within a few days and we're trying to find a workaround.

Our only interim solution right now involves too much clicking and moving away from the section people are viewing...flipping back and forth between a glossary and the main text is not ideal. We've tried taking images of the text and adding the interactive pop ups over it, but those extra buttons inhibit you from seeing the text in any meaningful way.

Would greatly appreciate adding this functionality!


This has been 3 years with no update to have this included in Rise. I can do this very easily with Lectora, and that I believe is an inferior product to Rise. A modal/popup is a common item seen in almost all modern website these days, and would have no issue in fitting into the scheme of learning. 

Please look to have this added as a matter of high importance.