What's the purpose of the RISE checkbox lists?

Mar 15, 2017

I can't figure out the purpose of the RISE checkbox lists. As far as I can see when the user checks one, they are selected but no other actions occurs. In my view, a user would expect an action to occur in the course related to their selection, e.g. recommendations for further investigation of the checklist point, links to that part of the RISE lesson to review, link to a Storyline interaction, etc. 

My first impression was that I would incorporate the objectives of the course into these checklists so learners could evaluate their command of the content using the checklist and be directed to where they could improve their skills/knowledge based ont heir checklist response.

Maybe I am not thinking of another useful attribute for these checklists. What do other use them for? Does it seem awkward to them that no action occurs based what the user checks? Am I missing something? Thank you.


38 Replies
Stephen W

I've used the checkbox as a way for the learner to validate their own thinking against an 'official' list. For instance before the checklist an open-ended question like "What would you do in order to ..... Make some notes (they would do this off-line) and then press Continue below" and then instructions like "Did you come up with the same answers as us? Tick the ones that were on your list". 

Hope that makes sense!

Sharon Fernandes

I used this feature recently and made it a SCROM , however it only allows the user to tick off the list in the moment, say if he was to exit course nad then return back or there was a connection issue and he was to open course again, all his check marks are lost and not saved. Strangely, it doesnt save changes even is you go to the next section and then come back Lesson/Section 1. As far as I know this check box option should be saved so when you do check it, you can complete the incompleted boxes. If we are using checkboxes as click boxes to complete a task we must be able to have these checks saved. Or maybe not have check box under Lists and have a checklist feature and a complete seperate option that enables us to save these intereactions while on the go.

Wendy Pena-Rojas

I would love to see that the use the checkbox list in a different aspect - we have created a challenge for onboarding our new hires and we want to record answers (boxes that are checked off) but we see no way to do that. This course will live in our LMS , so we want this information to be able to transfer to the platform. Is this something that is possible ?

Andrew Longson

Sorry to jump onto this thread.  I've used a checkbox list as a way of getting people to acknowledge they understand what they've learnt and their responsibilities (at the end of a course) and then placed a divider below set as 'above must be completed'.

However, once they have ticked the box, and can then continue, the checkbox could be unticked and they could take a photo as evidence that they didn't tick the box (just thinking of possible eventualities).

I'm curious what others might do to get someone to acknowledge something like this e.g. compliance training.  Thank you

Stacie Jordan

I'm with Robin on this one. It seems counter-intuitive to online learning to have checks solely fo the sake of checks - let's push learners into a guided experience.  Would love to see Rise offer more options with the check - links to additional content when interacted with, or pop-ups with feedback.