Ashley Schwartau
Ashley Schwartau
COO & Creative Director at The Securty Awareness Company
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  • Nashville, TN
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Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion Reducing PNG size in published output?
"Hi! Wondering if there was any update on this bug being fixed. Thanks!"
  • almost 7 years ago08/01/17 at 3:20 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion Text boxes--wrapping text around an object
"YES this would be so helpful!!! "
  • almost 7 years ago07/31/17 at 11:05 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion How do I tell if a course uses Flash?
"On this note, is there a way to tell post-publish if a course was published for HTML5 with Flash fallback, or Flash with HTML5 fallback?"
  • almost 7 years ago07/10/17 at 2:54 pm (UTC)
"This is happening to some of our clients' users too!!! Any clues??? That's supposed to be Open Sans at the top!"
  • almost 7 years ago07/06/17 at 11:21 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion HTML5 in Internet Explorer 11 problem
"Hey, anyone have any if the attached images show issues related to IE11?? A client sent them to us saying the course they're viewing loca..."
  • almost 7 years ago07/06/17 at 11:17 pm (UTC)
"Thanks for finding me a workaround! I was going crazy!! lol "
  • almost 7 years ago06/20/17 at 9:23 pm (UTC)
"So far I've recreated four of the six using the plain standard results slides and things seem to be working. I'm copying over the design ..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/20/17 at 7:15 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion how to see the file size of each slide
"I know this is old but hoping someone here has some insight. One of our clients keeps saying they have lag issues with one of our courses..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/20/17 at 2:38 pm (UTC)
"Thanks for your help, Wendy. I was really hoping it was just something I was doing wrong. Booooo. lol. I'll submit a case to Articulate T..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/20/17 at 2:26 pm (UTC)
"I'm attaching my course. You'll see there are 3 sections, each with a Lesson + Quiz, and a Test Out Quiz, for a total of 6 quizzes. I don..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/19/17 at 11:16 pm (UTC)
"Yes, I'm using the content library results slide templates in 360. How do I force it to give me a new set of variables for each results s..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/19/17 at 11:10 pm (UTC)
"I'm building a course that has a total of 6 quizzes. None of them are graded (aka being reported to the LMS). They are more like learning..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/19/17 at 6:59 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion How to restart the timeline with a trigger
"Glad you didn't delete this thread!! Did not realize that the layers could ALSO be reset to initial state."
  • almost 7 years ago06/13/17 at 5:18 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion Final Image Sizes??
"Thank you!! "
  • almost 7 years ago06/12/17 at 10:40 pm (UTC)
"Thanks!! We record and mix all of our audio using Audacity and our audio team is usually pretty good about matching audio when we have to..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/09/17 at 4:12 pm (UTC)
"Mike! Thank you for this helpful, thoughtful response!! You've confirmed a lot of what I thought I already knew and your experience with ..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/09/17 at 3:51 pm (UTC)
"Also, if a course has NO video elements, only images, audio and text, how big is too big for an image? Are images/media elements loaded i..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/09/17 at 2:29 pm (UTC)
"When it comes to file size, what matters more -- overall file size of the published ZIP or individual file sizes of the media elements? "
  • almost 7 years ago06/09/17 at 2:26 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion Final Image Sizes??
"Yes, regardless of what we select for Image Quality, the size of the images in the Mobile folder in the Output folder remain the same (se..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/09/17 at 2:25 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau started a new discussion Final Image Sizes??
"Changing the output quality of a course doesn't seem to change the size of the individual image files within the mobile folder -- they re..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/08/17 at 9:52 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau started a new discussion Technical Question: How do published courses use bandwidth?
"Hi all - I know there are a lot of people here with way more technical expertise than me so I'm hoping y'all can help shed some light on ..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/08/17 at 8:59 pm (UTC)
"Yeah, to replace the images. We've had a client struggling with the final size of the output images and were trying to find fast/easy way..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/08/17 at 8:50 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion Reducing PNG size in published output?
"Okay further questions for you guys!  1. Changing the output quality of a course doesn't seem to change the size of the individual image..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/08/17 at 8:48 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion Can't share work in rise?
"So I see that the new Share feature allows you to share a copy with co-workers, but will there be a way to share a copy that EVERYONE can..."
  • almost 7 years ago06/07/17 at 3:13 pm (UTC)
Ashley Schwartau replied to the discussion Videos in Storyline
"Is this still the only way to do this?? "
  • 7 years ago05/27/17 at 6:21 pm (UTC)