Chanh Nguyen
Chanh Nguyen
"thanks Ashley. Is that defined in the SCORM 2004 standard or something unique to Articulate?   Recently, we are recommending our custo..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 2:52 pm (UTC)
"hi Emily, From the LMS point of view, how does it know the second attempt related to the first attempt? I need to know all attempts from..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/12/16 at 11:05 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Crystal. I got it now as I used the "Tracking using quiz result""
  • almost 8 years ago10/12/16 at 5:48 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Crystal.   For survey questions, should I use "graded result slide", or "survey result slide"? I used "survey result slide", and..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/12/16 at 3:51 pm (UTC)
Chanh Nguyen started a new discussion Question with score by choice doesnt send
"hi, I have a project for 2 questions of "score by choice". I am trying to make them send quiz data to LMS as mentioned in the following ..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/12/16 at 1:40 am (UTC)
Chanh Nguyen started a new discussion Survey send questions details in SCORM2004
"Hi, Let say I have many survey questions, and I am publishing it as SCORM2004 2nd. From LMS, can I get information as indicated in foll..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/12/16 at 1:20 am (UTC)
"I think I got it. The suffix is working as designed. Only way is to change to 1 attempt to get unique ID."
  • almost 8 years ago10/11/16 at 5:19 pm (UTC)
"thanks Phil"
  • almost 8 years ago10/11/16 at 5:17 pm (UTC)
"Good Afternoon, Justin. I am going to submit a feature request.  thanks, and have a great day too!"
  • almost 8 years ago10/11/16 at 5:10 pm (UTC)
"here is my demo project. there are 3 questions. First question: correct: 10, incorrect: -5. Second question: correct: 10, incorrect: -5. ..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/11/16 at 5:02 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashley, I am seeing it in the LMS debug log. I made a mistake before: The IDs of 2 attempts of a question are: Scene1_Slide2_TrueF..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/11/16 at 4:55 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Leslie. I am seeing the "cmi.score.raw" is giving the aggregated score. And I am looking for the "raw" score for the question. D..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/11/16 at 4:18 pm (UTC)
"HI Leslie, Thanks for the demo file. My project is similar to you. According to the following link, only the weight is reported as 1 fo..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/11/16 at 4:04 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashley, Yeap, here are IDs of 2 attempts of the same question Scene1_Slide5_FillInTheBlank_0_0 cmi.interactio..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/11/16 at 3:03 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Leslie Being able to track details of each individual questions are quite important for many of my customers. "Weighting" is one ..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/10/16 at 9:17 pm (UTC)
"yes, it does reflect on the results slide correctly. However, I am not only using data in results slide, but also data coming from each q..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/10/16 at 8:46 pm (UTC)
"Hi, The ID in the quiz data is changing slidely from attempt to attempt of a question. It makes harder for the LMS to group all attempts..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/10/16 at 8:32 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Dave. I checked and see that if the incorrect answer is to a value of 0 point, it does report the cmi.score.raw. tks Why does it..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/10/16 at 8:12 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Leslie. As SCORM2004 doesn't have a guideline to to report score per question. And they do report the weighting. (Pls correct me ..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/10/16 at 8:09 pm (UTC)
"Hi, I am seeing that a incorrect answer in Articulate SCORM2004 doesn't send "cmi.score.raw" but an correct answer does. How to let the..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/10/16 at 5:39 pm (UTC)
Chanh Nguyen started a new discussion the "weighting" in SCORM2004 always fixes to "1"
"Hi, I am seeing Articulate SCORM2004 always return "1" for the "weighting" per quiz. And following link also mentions about it. So ..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/10/16 at 5:31 pm (UTC)