Daniel Jovanov
Daniel Jovanov
Project Manager at eLearnTSG
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  • Naples, FL
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"I've been informed by Articulate Support that upgrading the font text will resolve this issue if you're opening a project file using the ..."
  • over 2 years ago03/23/22 at 7:04 pm (UTC)
"However, I was only able to reproduce this error with one of my projects, not all of them. I'll keep playing around until I confirm this"
  • over 2 years ago03/23/22 at 5:13 pm (UTC)
"Attached are my screenshots. February's build works fine, March's update doesn't"
  • over 2 years ago03/23/22 at 2:41 pm (UTC)
"Courses can no longer be previewed (properly) if you update to the latest Storyline 360 update on March 22nd 2022 (3.62.27371.0). If this..."
  • over 2 years ago03/23/22 at 1:52 pm (UTC)
"There are some ways you can report variables to an LMS, and here's one such example: https://articulate.com/support/article/Storyline-..."
  • over 2 years ago01/04/22 at 8:26 pm (UTC)
"If you're talking about sharing the ProjectElapsedTime in an LMS, then I'm not sure about that. Otherwise, you can use that as a number v..."
  • over 2 years ago01/04/22 at 7:35 pm (UTC)
"I don't believe there's a need to do any of that! The time-elapsed variables track time automatically. A better question would be, "do ti..."
  • over 2 years ago01/04/22 at 7:02 pm (UTC)
Daniel Jovanov started a new discussion Can We Pause Time-Elapsed Variables in Storyline 360?
"Weird question, but is there a way to pause the clock that's involved with these Time-Elapsed variables? The reason why I'm asking is tha..."
  • over 2 years ago01/04/22 at 7:00 pm (UTC)
"Weird question, but is there a way to pause the clock that's involved with these TimeElapsed variables? The reason why I'm asking is that..."
  • over 2 years ago12/15/21 at 5:45 pm (UTC)
Daniel Jovanov replied to the discussion Feedback Layer Properties No Longer Display
"Sometimes, an update will cause this issue all over again. I don't remember what the exact version number was, but right after I had this..."
  • over 2 years ago11/24/21 at 8:52 pm (UTC)
Daniel Jovanov replied to the discussion Feedback Layer Properties No Longer Display
"To anybody else having this issue (on Windows) 1) Uninstall all Articulate 360 apps, including Storyline 360 and the 360 dashboard app i..."
  • almost 3 years ago10/25/21 at 4:13 pm (UTC)
Daniel Jovanov replied to the discussion Feedback Layer Properties No Longer Display
"Nope, and nope, and both accounts! It doesn't matter if I work on a local drive. It happens with all files! I'm even trying on a blank fi..."
  • almost 3 years ago09/16/21 at 4:09 am (UTC)
Daniel Jovanov started a new discussion Feedback Layer Properties No Longer Display
"I'm trying to get the Feedback Layer Properties to display when I select the Gear icon or when I Right-Click on said Feedback Layer and t..."
  • almost 3 years ago09/15/21 at 3:37 am (UTC)
"Two years later, and many of these tips helped me create more engaging Rise courses, especially #1, #4, and #7!"
  • 3 years ago07/02/21 at 12:52 am (UTC)
"Leslie, I checked my own content in my LMS and can confirm that I do need to republish every stinkin' module I've eve..."
  • over 3 years ago02/23/21 at 2:39 pm (UTC)
"Much obliged, Leslie! Now, will I have to republish courses (in Tin Can or SCORM) that previously had this issue? Or does this update aut..."
  • over 3 years ago02/23/21 at 2:32 pm (UTC)
"Thank you for logging this for me, Lauren! I'm sharing this thread on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-67594810033429913..."
  • over 3 years ago01/25/21 at 2:48 pm (UTC)
"Thank you, Mark!"
  • over 3 years ago01/14/21 at 4:57 pm (UTC)
"To watch my video on YouTube, rather than having to download it, visit this link: https://youtu.be/MrBd6mmM0dg"
  • over 3 years ago01/14/21 at 4:08 pm (UTC)
"I found an issue this morning in which the Seekbar can still be dragged when previewing on a mobile device (Portrait mode) even when sele..."
  • over 3 years ago01/14/21 at 3:57 pm (UTC)
"I'm sorry, but it looks like you would have to download my video on to your computer if you want to watch it. If I do bring this issue up..."
  • over 3 years ago01/14/21 at 2:49 pm (UTC)
"Has anyone ever had the issue where if you restrict the seekbar in your Storyline project, it can still be dragged when previewing and vi..."
  • over 3 years ago01/14/21 at 2:48 pm (UTC)
Daniel Jovanov published a new E-Learning Example Storyline: Wheelchair Securement Training
"Say goodbye to the days of bulky training manuals, this examples uses a slider to break important training content down into bite-size ch..."
  • over 3 years ago12/01/20 at 10:26 pm (UTC)
Daniel Jovanov replied to the discussion Playing timeline from playhead - Not working
"*Sign* First-world Storyline problems..."
  • over 3 years ago11/23/20 at 2:48 pm (UTC)
Daniel Jovanov replied to the discussion Playing timeline from playhead - Not working
"Errol, I recently updated Storyline 360....and no, the issue still persists! Although I was able to edit the base layers of slides j..."
  • over 3 years ago11/23/20 at 2:47 pm (UTC)