Scott L
Scott L
"Hello to all those who have really good accessibility expectations here. The single best thing that we can do is to request a product fea..."
  • 7 months ago12/21/23 at 7:33 pm (UTC)
"Joe, thank you very much for this info! This confirms what I had thought, and your solution makes good sense. When exporting the XLIFF fr..."
  • 11 months ago08/18/23 at 4:31 pm (UTC)
"I have a Storyline project that has certain slides/layers in English that I don't want exported into the XLIFF file for translation. Is t..."
  • 12 months ago08/16/23 at 8:56 pm (UTC)
Scott L started a new discussion Storyline 360 Tabbing and Screen Readers
"I'm acquainted with changing the tab order in slides and slide masters, and disabling/removing items that I don't want tabbed to. But one..."
  • 5 years ago07/05/19 at 6:15 pm (UTC)
"No apology needed! You've been fantastic, Leslie. Thanks for your insight, help and video and this last bit of info."
  • over 5 years ago01/25/19 at 6:29 pm (UTC)
"Hi eslie, if this has indeed  made sense, can you confirm that what I'd hope for is *not* currently available in Storyline? If so, I'll f..."
  • over 5 years ago01/25/19 at 5:34 pm (UTC)
"Hi Leslie, you're awesome for making your Peek video! I didn't see is how you first inserted the video and (if you) moved it below other..."
  • over 5 years ago01/25/19 at 4:35 pm (UTC)
"Hey Leslie, thanks for the reply and the helpful animation - that's great! That all makes sense, and matches what was working for me (but..."
  • over 5 years ago01/24/19 at 4:26 pm (UTC)
"I’ve noticed that when inserting a video (MP4 file) that it can be a challenge to get the video’s ending to line up with it’s actual dura..."
  • over 5 years ago01/23/19 at 5:26 pm (UTC)
"Excellent work, Storyline team! I just updated Storyline and republished my latest course, and was pleased to see the absence of the scro..."
  • over 5 years ago12/19/18 at 2:20 am (UTC)
"Although I see that a post (with a good question) from another in this message thread has been removed, here are additional pieces to hel..."
  • over 5 years ago11/09/18 at 4:44 pm (UTC)
"Hi there Jami - I believe I might have missed a step here! I'm working on notes, a screen grab and possible Storyline file to put here. C..."
  • over 5 years ago11/09/18 at 4:32 pm (UTC)
"I found a work-around for this issue before posting this message, but I thought it would be good info for anybody that finds themselves i..."
  • over 5 years ago11/07/18 at 6:32 pm (UTC)
"I've tried various things and did not come up a solution. I did end up submitting a case, "We’ve opened case number 01564217 for you." As..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/19/18 at 8:37 pm (UTC)
"Hi Alyssa, It's iOs 11.4.1. I was also making sure that I had no other apps or browser tabs opened in case it was related to memory usag..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/19/18 at 6:02 pm (UTC)
"I'm working with a 3:45 duration MP4 video on a slide that I inserted. It's a listening exercise, and feedbacks popup at various points i..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/19/18 at 3:39 am (UTC)
"Crystal, although you were @ScottD this was really interesting to me. My ongoing SL file has been in development for a couple of months n..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/18/18 at 1:37 am (UTC)
"I'm pretty sure I was going down a wrong road here but I did manage to try out a handful of previous Firefox versions, wondering if the i..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/16/18 at 2:36 pm (UTC)
"Nice notes, Scott D! You mentioning the Firefox version makes me wonder about Firefox and recent updates. On my current project, I only r..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/12/18 at 6:52 pm (UTC)
"I have been able to make a successful edit to the Storyline output files to fix the scrollbar issue for my courses. Note that this is ju..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/12/18 at 3:20 pm (UTC)
"Two more screen grabs if they are of any more help. These show that a CSS class, .is-desktop, seems to be partly involved in setting a CS..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/10/18 at 8:26 pm (UTC)
"Hello folks, I am experiencing the same issue here. I've found that it's using Firefox v62 (I'm on Windows7). I do not have the issue us..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/10/18 at 8:17 pm (UTC)
Scott L replied to the discussion Uploading Videos to Review
"I too would find strong value in a video versioning feature. I was working with my team and suggested we upload videos since the review s..."
  • almost 6 years ago08/01/18 at 3:53 pm (UTC)
Scott L replied to the discussion JavaScript error in Storyline
"For sure! I'm a VS Code guy, and Atom is another top one! My stupid little problem came from doing too many things at once, and typing th..."
  • 6 years ago06/05/18 at 2:33 am (UTC)
Scott L replied to the discussion JavaScript error in Storyline
"Good call, Matthew - that was it. I was trying to call an external JS function which takes a string as a value. It has mis-typed and ente..."
  • 6 years ago06/05/18 at 2:08 am (UTC)