bryan pu
bryan pu
bryan pu started a new discussion Lost imported audio and video
"Imported audio to each slides, and added one page with imported video. preview looks normal. After put into package as a zip file, ..."
  • 4 years ago04/04/20 at 12:08 am (UTC)
"I inported a video from local drive into the presneter file, I would like to add my own explanation voice into the video with original vi..."
  • 4 years ago04/01/20 at 9:14 pm (UTC)
bryan pu started a new discussion Presenter 360 publishing error
"Hello Katie, Steve, and Angelo Thank you for your support in the past days. Since there are different people tried to help but issu..."
  • 4 years ago03/27/20 at 8:55 pm (UTC)
"I recorded narration and marks to a pre-made ppt file using Articulate Presenter, failed in publishing. I have done the following a..."
  • 4 years ago03/25/20 at 6:20 pm (UTC)
"Recorded narration and marks to a pre-made ppt file using Articulate Presenter, failed in publishing. I have done the following act..."
  • 4 years ago03/23/20 at 10:38 pm (UTC)
bryan pu started a new discussion Presenter360 publishing failure
"tried flowing - cut into smaller file: failed - cut into very small file(less than 10 pages); some file successful but some failed - impo..."
  • 4 years ago03/17/20 at 1:02 am (UTC)