training support
training support
elearning dev
"Rob Skeet Setting to 1 attempt won't allow the user to try again, I want the user to try once, get a try again feedback and try once ..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/26/18 at 7:53 am (UTC)
training support replied to the discussion drop down quiz
"ok thanks for your help David, i'm relatively new to SL3 but will have a look at amending these to my needs...."
  • almost 6 years ago07/19/18 at 10:45 am (UTC)
training support replied to the discussion drop down quiz
"hi David, that's the problem, they need to be there to be in the list, but SL3 wont ignore them and requires an answer for them. "
  • almost 6 years ago07/19/18 at 9:37 am (UTC)
training support replied to the discussion drop down quiz
"Hi David thanks for your reply. I've attached the .story, i've done a drag and drop which achieves the same result but the customer would..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/19/18 at 9:15 am (UTC)
training support replied to the discussion SL3 publishing problem
"ok thanks for your reply Matthew, i'm trying that solution now"
  • almost 6 years ago07/16/18 at 12:00 pm (UTC)
training support replied to the discussion Change size of marker icon
"Thanks Nicole I have submitted the request, in the meantime I will try and create custom icons and layers.  "
  • almost 6 years ago07/04/18 at 2:19 pm (UTC)
training support replied to the discussion Menu text
"Hi Wendy many thanks Paul"
  • almost 6 years ago06/22/18 at 7:37 am (UTC)
"Hi all thanks for your replies. I was initially transferring the file via company email and Hotmail due to system restrictions on USB sti..."
  • almost 6 years ago06/21/18 at 1:43 pm (UTC)