Choose Your Own E-Learning Challenge Topic #129

Choose Your Own E-Learning Challenge #288: Challenge | Recap

Challenge of the Week

This week, your challenge is to choose your own e-learning challenge topic and build an example for that challenge. You can choose any e-learning, instructional design, multimedia, or industry-based topic you like.

Your topic can be based on any of the previous challenges or you can come up with something entirely different. Your entry just might inspire the next e-learning challenge!

Include Your Topic with Your Entry

When you post your link to your example, please tell us your challenge topic by introducing your entry with, “This week, my challenge was to. . . ." This will help others know what to look for when viewing your example.

New Entries Only!

There’s only one catch.... You didn’t think I’d give away total control, did you? This week’s entry must be original. You can’t reuse an example you shared in a previous challenge. 

But you’re welcome to do a variation on a previous challenge. For example, if you want to share a Tabs Challenge #272, your challenge could be something more specific, like a Vertical Tabs, or Image-Based Tabs. Then you could modify something you shared in a previous challenge.

Last Week’s Challenge: 

Before you choose your topic, check out the interactive table examples your fellow community members shared over the past week:

30+ Brilliant Examples of Interactive Tables in E-Learning #287

Interactive Tables in E-Learning RECAP #287: Challenge | Recap

New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Nick Russell
Jodi M. Sansone
Jen Edgerton
Ron Katz
David McEachan
Ron Katz
Rema Merrick
David McEachan
Lindsay Garcia
Jodi M. Sansone
Lindsay Garcia
Rema Merrick
Ron Katz
Paola Rattu
Lindsay Garcia
Paola Rattu
Rema Merrick
Reginald J
Lisa Spirko

Hi everyone! Here's my very first submission to E-Learning Challenge. This is a board game I invented several months ago. I'm using it as an ungraded knowledge check on information covered earlier in a course on how read and understand X12 electronic data interchange (EDI) files. There are a few different paths, so to get the gist of the whole thing, I recommend playing a few times with different combinations of right and wrong answers. I've flagged correct answers with either a gold star or red text. I welcome all feedback--many thanks! :) Update: Hi! I thought I'd add an explanation of how I created this game. Although there are questions with radio buttons and feedback, I couldn't use Storyline's quiz features to create them because everything is on one slide; I programmed everythin... Expand

Ron Katz
Kimberly Osunero
Ron Katz
Veronica Budnikas
Kristin Hatcher
Kristin Hatcher
Joanne Chen
Cory Clark