Flash Player Causes Corruption in PowerPoint Presentations

Sep 28, 2015

Hi, Everyone.

A bug has been identified in Flash Player that corrupts PowerPoint presentations with videos and Flash objects. Until Adobe releases an update to fix it, we recommend staying with Flash Player 18. If you've already installed Flash Player, here's how you can downgrade to version 18.

If you have a presentation corrupted by Flash Player 19, please follow the instructions here to repair it.

36 Replies
Tony Caquelin

Ashley - we have been attempting to add two brief videos to an articulate course and the videos will not play in the "preview' or play when the course is published.  we have followed the instructions detailed in the link above ('how to add video') but it is still not working.  Any troubleshooting recommendations? 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Deborah!

Adobe and Microsoft have fixed the Flash Player bug that broke many applications just before the new year, including Adobe Captivate, Articulate Storyline, and Articulate Studio.

Here's how to install the latest Adobe/Microsoft update so you can preview your e-learning projects, edit videos, and launch CD-published courses again.

Jim Powell

These are the same error messages I encountered last year when this bug first came out.  I would rather not uninstall office due to unintended consequences -- office has been stable for me for a while and I'm leaving for an international trip in two days where I have to work on this stuff on the road.  All my other content, upgrade by your repair tool last year, when the bug was first discovered, work fine.  This one, that wasn't "fixed" by the tool last year is presenting this problem.

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