IE11 - Resume feature not working

Mar 02, 2016

Hi all,

We currently use Articulate Studio 13 to create our courses, then publish to LMS. Some of our users have noted that when they leave a course and come back and click the RESUME button it defaults to the start of the course or page 3 instead of the page they were originally on.

We have spoken to our LMS vendor who has kindly informed us that it may be an issue with the way IE11 handles the JavaScript to send the correct resume data to the LMS.  

We have been advised to use Google Chrome as an alternative as this does not cause any issues with the resume feature.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue or is there a work around?

Many thanks



8 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Jill -- So sorry to hear of your troubles, and it looks like a somewhat similar issue was shared over here in this post. I cannot say that I have heard others reporting that resume is not working correctly for them with IE11, so may I ask if you are finding the same behavior when you test your course via the SCORM Cloud in IE11? 

Gill Smith

Hi Christie,

I have uploaded the course to SCORM cloud and it works perfectly. We have approached our vendor regarding increasing the data value size. The vendor has come back and said it will not make a difference to the resume function. The vendor has done some testing in Google Chrome and can not replicate the resume issue. It appears only to be an IE11 issue.

Our vendor has suggested disabling the resume feature on the player template, engage encounters and quiz slides. Unfortunately this is not an option as we have 70++ course that we would need to do this for. Also our courses are clinical course and staff do not always have the opportunity to finish a course in a single siting, so the resume feature is very important.

It there another work around for this issue? Where to now??

Many thanks

Christie Pollick

Hi, Jill -- Thank you for the confirmation, and typically when a course functions properly within the SCORM Cloud in any given environment (IE, Chrome, FireFox, etc.), but not within your LMS, that tends to indicate that the issue lies not with the course itself, but with how it is functioning within the LMS platform. Please see this section on How to Troubleshoot Your LMS with SCORM Cloud, and you may want to consider revisiting this matter with your LMS. 

And just so you have it handy to take a look at other options for Viewing Content as seen below, here is a link to our System Requirements:

Viewing Content

Content Format

Adobe Flash Player 10.3 or later, and one of the following browsers:

  • Windows: Internet Explorer 8 and later, Microsoft Edge (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version)
  • Mac: Safari 7 and later, Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Windows: Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Mac: Safari 7 and later, Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Mobile: Safari in Apple iOS 7 and later, Google Chrome (latest version) in Android OS 4.1 and later
Apple iOS Articulate Mobile Player in Apple iOS 7 or later on iPad
Android OS Articulate Mobile Player in Android OS 4.1 or later (optimized for tablets)

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