Logo is Fuzzy

Nov 01, 2011


Hope you can help. I am wanting to put a company logo into the presentations I am recording but after some trial and error (mostly error) the logo is always fuzzy and not crisp as it when viewed separately. I have experimented with different formats (jpg, png, bmp) and using different sizes (varying from 240 x 240 pixels down to 100 x 100) but the results are always the same ( I am using the original file and not a copy) . The logo looks blurry round the edges and looks like a bad screen shot.

Are there any optimal settings/formats I should use?

Many thanks.


30 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Wendy, 

Are you looking to insert a logo into the player or on the slide itself? 

If you're inserting into the player we still recommend using an image that has a maximum width of 200 pixels and a maximum height of 220 pixels. Otherwise Presenter will scale it to fit, and that could cause blurriness. 

Have you tried any image file types, or just an SWF file? 

Wendy Morgan

I am inserting the logo into the player. I have tried everything I can think of. Attached is the logo image file; you will see it is sized to the proper dimensions. Here is the url to see the fuzzy result: http://demosite.fpg.unc.edu/NCIC_Module_One_Prototype/story_html5.html

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Wendy!

It looks like your original was larger than the recommended dimensions, so that was causing it to look blurry in your published output.

I reduced the image size to a width of 200 pixels, and that seemed to help. Here's a link to the new published output. 

Give the new png file I attached here a try, and let me know if you see an improvement! 

Wendy Morgan

The published output link provided above results in a somewhat fuzzy logo also, so perhaps this is an issue we can all learn from... I'm having trouble keeping the pixel size down while exporting from Illustrator and I've tried just about everything I can think of. Why does the pixel size matter to Storyline when importing a vector file? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Wendy, and as an FYI looks like your email signature came through when you replied via email! No worries, this Peek video will show you how to remove it. 

I see you're working with Cleo on the case and he shared some workarounds in addition to report the issue with your logo to our team. If we have any additional information to share about that possible bug, he'll be in touch via your case.

Alyssa Gomez

Sorry this is plaguing you, Todd! Like Wendy mentioned, we're logging this as a possible software bug, and we'll let you know as soon as we get any updates. For now, you can try the workaround our Support team shared with Wendy:

Manually change the logo file in the published "Mobile" folder:

1) Publish your project file. 
2) Look for "Mobile" folder in the published files. 
3) Look for the .PNG file. Note that it will have a different filename but it will be the only .PNG file in the folder. 
4) Replace the .PNG file with your original high resolution .PNG file. Simply rename it. See example here.
5) Upload to your published files to your server. 

Xavier Godbout

Here's a more permanent fix:

Set a custom logo using javascript. This method allows you to set a custom logo to the desired size and will sure looks good because it uses your logo file directly and doesn't process it like Storyline does. You can also place it pretty much where you want in the player if you're willing to play a bit with the code.

I really recommend this method since it allows you to have more control over your logo and that's what you want!

Here's Owen Holt's post that explains how to do it: Custom Logo

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